isabelle pointed out youre spell on that noisome stink bomb sure worked good last year felicia! maybe less of your spells will go wrong this year. their are a few ive been practicing alleged felicia hopefully CAUGHT YA'S MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2016
Isabelle pointed out, “Your spell on that noisome stink bomb sure worked well last year, Felicia! Maybe fewer of your spells will go wrong this year!” “There are a few I’ve been practicing,” alleged Felicia hopefully. 4. Noisome- having an extremely offensive smell 5. alleged- doubtful; suspect; supposed CAUGHT YA'S MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Caught Ya’s pauline olivia and alessandra smiled. william and jesse whom stood between the girls snickered but they were really impressed with vivians poem
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Caught Ya’s corrections Pauline, Olivia, and Alessandra smiled. William and Jesse, who stood among the girls, snickered, but they really were impressed with Vivian’s poem.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Caught Ya’s sam that always was observant noticed that 2 teachers standing in nearby classroom doorways twitched emitted curls of smoke from their ears and noses garbled almost incoherently some phrase over and over sticking out there tongues with each word like lizards
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Caught Ya’s corrections Sam, who always was observant, noticed that two teachers standing in nearby classroom doorways twitched, emitted curls of smoke from their ears and noses, garbled almost incoherently some phrase over and over, sticking out their tongues with each word like lizards. 6.Emitted-produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation) 7.Garbled-reproduce (a message, sound, or transmission) in a confused and distorted way 8.Incoherently-without logical or meaningful connection