CHIEF FUNCTIONS Commander in Chief Symbol of our Country Requests Legislation
SALARY $400,000 as of 1997 (Congress voted to double the President’s salary)
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS $50,000 for expenses $120,000 for entertainment White House (132 rooms, bowling alley, movie theater, indoor pool) view.htm view.htm Pension for Life Medical and Dental benefits $20,000 annually for spouse upon president’s death Air Force One video- search/m/ /aboar d_air_force_one.htm#q=%2 2Air+Force%22 video- search/m/ /aboar d_air_force_one.htm#q=%2 2Air+Force%22
TAKES OFFICE ON... January 20 th at noon—this is the inauguration, swearing in of the president According to the 20 th amendment
NUMBER OF TERMS Maximum of 2 terms of 4 years 22 amendment set president terms of 2 up to 10 years—1951
ELECTED BY... The Electors, each state has a number of electors based on their # in the House of Representatives and the Senate 538 electors in the Electoral College 270 to win
QUALIFICATIONS 35 years old Born in the U.S Resident of U.S 14 years prior to taking office
ORDER OF SUCCESSION Vice President Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore Secretary of State The other cabinet members in the order the cabinet was created 25 th amendment created the order of presidential succession The disability of Pres.— majority of Cabinet determines the pres. is disabled & cannot be pres. 2/3 of Congress reinstates the pres.
PRESIDENTIAL POWERS Commander in Chief Appoints department heads Appoints federal judges and ambassadors Grants federal pardons Calls Congress into special session Meets with Heads of State Makes treaties Commissions military officers Must give the State of the Union Address ***** Ensures that laws passed by Congress are faithfully executed