PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / For more course Tutorials
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / PSYCH 610 Entire Course PSYCH 610 Week 1 Individual Assignment Research Studies PSYCH 610 Week 1 Individual Assignment Research Studies Questionnaire PSYCH 610 Week 2 Individual Assignment Week Two Homework Exercise PSYCH 610 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Analysis of Ethical Dilemma PSYCH 610 Week 3 Individual Assignment Week Three Homework Exercise PSYCH 610 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research PSYCH 610 Week 4 Individual Assignment Week Four Homework Exercise PSYCH 610 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Survey Questions PSYCH 610 Week 4 Individual Assignment Critical Analysis of Research Article PSYCH 610 Week 5 Individual Assignment Week Five Homework Exercise Search for research articles from peer-reviewed publications in the University Library. Examples of peer- reviewed publications are listed in Table 2.1 in Chapter 2 of Methods in Behavioral Research. Select four research articles to review. Include at least one applied research article and one basic research article. Be sure to apply the scientific method to evaluate the evidence presented in the selected articles. Use these articles as a framework for completing the questionnaire. Write a 100- to 500-word answer to each of the following questions: PART I: What is the purpose of each of the sections in a typical research article? What are the steps to critically evaluate research articles and how does the scientific method help you do this?
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / PSYCH 610 Week 2 Individual Assignment Week PSYCH 610 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Analysis Answer the following questions covering material from Ch. 1– 5 of Methods in Behavioral Research: 1. A researcher is interested in studying the effects of different levels of distraction—none, low, and high—on scores on a test of visual memory. Participants are randomly assigned to one of three conditions: no distraction, low distraction, or high distraction. All participants engage in a test of visual memory. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? What is the purpose of random assignment to groups? What is the purpose of random assignment to groups? 2. Define theory and explain its function. How does theory relate to the practice of psychology? 3. Define hypothesis and provide an example. 4. Describe the content that should appear in a well-written informed consent form for a research study Read the following scenario: A well-known researcher at a major university has two graduate student assistants. He conducts three studies in his laboratory, all of which involve very labor-intensive procedures. The graduate research assistants complete all of the data collection. They also assist in writing the Discussion section of the final article, adding their thoughts and suggestions to the various drafts. The article is accepted into a leading journal for publication. The primary researcher lists only himself as author of the article, claiming that he wrote at least 75% of the final paper. Write a 300- to 500-word discussion of the following: Describe the ethical consideration(s) with the scenario. Has the primary researcher committed an ethical violation? Use the appropriate section of the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists to justify your response. Format consistent with APA guidelines.
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / PSYCH 610 Week 3 Individual Assignment Week PSYCH 610 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Qualitative Answer the following questions covering material from Ch. 6 & 7 of Methods in Behavioral Research: 1. What is reactivity? Explain how reactivity impacts measurement. 2. What are the key features of an experimental design, or ‘true experiment’? How does this compare to case studies? 3. What is survey research and when is it most useful? 4. What issues should be considered when constructing surveys? What are the implications of double-barreled, loaded, and negative questions? 5. What are some survey administration methods? When are each of these methods most appropriate? 6. Define interview bias and provide an example. 7. What is the difference between probability and non- probability sampling techniques? Complete the Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research assignment found on your student website
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / PSYCH 610 Week 4 Individual Assignment Critical Analysis PSYCH 610 Week 4 Individual Assignment Week Select a research article of interest to you, preferably related to your Research Proposal, and use the Research Evaluation Worksheet found on the student website to analyze the article. You can use this information to help you form the literature review section of your research proposal. Answer the following questions, covering material from Ch 8–10 of Methods in Behavioral Research: 1. What is a confounding variable and why do researchers try to eliminate confounding variables? Provide two examples of confounding variables. 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of posttest only design and pretest-posttest design 3. What is meant by sensitivity of a dependent variable? 4. What are the differences between an independent groups design and a repeated measures design? 5. How does an experimenter’s expectations and participant expectations affect outcomes? 6. Provide an example of a factorial design. What are the key features of a factorial design? What are the advantages of a factorial design? 7. Describe at least four different dependent variables. 8.
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / PSYCH 610 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Survey PSYCH 610 Week 5 Individual Assignment Outline of Research As a team, locate at least two surveys (you can use any survey that you find on the internet). Try to find one that is relatively brief- 10 questions or less. Analyze the questions in the survey. Construct a table, such as that presented on page 127 of Methods in Behavioral Research (2009). Evaluate each survey question on the following points: negative wording complexity (note: good questions are simple and straightforward) double-barreled loaded grammatically incorrect In your Team, discuss the importance of writing good survey questions. How can poorly-written questions bias results? Submit both the table that you constructed as well as a copy of the survey you analyzed to your instructor Prepare a 2-pageoutline of your Research Proposal. The outline should provide an overview of the main elements of your proposal. It should include: An introduction A brief statement of purpose The rationale for conducting the study Your hypotheses and research questions Methods (participants, procedures, materials, instruments), and appropriate statistical test(s) for data analysis List of at least three relevant articles for the proposal The purpose of this outline is to obtain feedback from your instructor on your progress and on the feasibility of your topic and design.
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / PSYCH 610 Week 5 Individual Assignment Week Five PSYCH 610 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment 1. What are single-case designs and when are they most useful? 2. How may a researcher enhance the generalizability of the results of a single case design? 3. What is the relationship between quasi-experiments and confounding variables? Provide an example 4. Provide examples of: one-group posttest designs and one- group pretest and posttest designs. What are the limitations of each? 5. Provide examples of non-equivalent control group designs. What are the advantages of having a control group? 6. What is a quasi-experimental research design? Why would a researcher use a quasi-experimental design rather than a true experimental design? 7. What is the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study? What is a sequential study? Which of these designs is most vulnerable to cohort effects? Which design is most vulnerable to the effects of attrition? Complete the Hawthorne Effect assignment found on your student website.
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / PSYCH 610 Week 6 Individual Assignment Week Six Homework PSYCH 610 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Answer the following questions, covering material from Ch. 12 of Methods in Behavioral Research: 1. Define the following terms: 2. How are group means, percentages, and correlations used to describe research results? 3. How can graphs be used to describe and summarize data? 4. A researcher is studying reading rates in milliseconds per syllable. What scale of measurement—nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio—is time in milliseconds? Explain your response. 5. Under what circumstances is the median or mode a better measure of central tendency than the mean? Explain your response. 6. True or false: The standard deviation and the range are sensitive to outliers. Explain your response. 7. True or false: The standard deviation can never be 0. Explain your response. Complete the Developmental Research assignment found on your student website. Complete the table using complete sentences for your answers.
PSYCH 610 Academic Success / PSYCH 610 Week 7 Individual Assignment Week Seven PSYCH 610 Week 7 Learning Team Assignment Correlation Answer the following questions, covering material from Ch. 13 of Methods in Behavioral Research: 1. Define inferential statistics and how researchers use inferential statistics to draw conclusions from sample data. 2. Define probability and discuss how it relates to the concept of statistical significance. 3. A researcher is studying the effects of yoga on depression. Participants are randomly assigned to one of two groups: yoga and medication (experimental group); or support group and medication (control group). What is the null hypothesis? What is the research hypothesis? 4. In the scenario described in the previous question, the researcher implements two programs simultaneously: a 6-week yoga program coupled with medication management and a 6- week support group program coupled with medication management. Complete the Correlation assignment found on your student website. You will need to plot the data given and answer the questions.
PSYCH 610 Academic Success / PSYCH 610 Week 8 Individual Assignment Research Proposal PSYCH 610 Week 8 Individual Assignment Week Eight Homework Exercise Submit the Research Proposal. Include all parts given in the instructions found on your student website Answer the following questions covering material from Ch. 14 of Methods in Behavioral Research: 1. What is replication, and what role does it play in increasing the external validity or generalizability of a study? In what way is the IRB involved in using participants in a research study? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using college students as participants in research studies? 3. What potential problems can arise from generalization of results to different cultures or ethnic groups? 4. What is meta-analysis, and how is it useful to practitioners and scholars? 5. True or false: In many cases, meta analyses involves calculating an average effect size for a relationship between variables.
PSYCH 610 Academic Success / PSYCH 610 Week 8 Learning Team Assignment Course As a team, complete a summary of the main points of the course. In about a paragraph each, summarize what you learned about the following: 1. Research and the scientific method 2. Research ethics 3. Meaning of reliability and validity 4. Overview of basic research designs Define descriptive and interferential statistics and give an example of each
PSYCH 610 Potential Instructors / For more course Tutorials