NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Update of the NASA GPM and Precipitation Products and their Availability Presented to CGMS-43 Working Group II session, Agenda Item WGII/5 Presented By: Jack Kaye, NASA Headquarters Report Prepared By: Erich Franz Stocker, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Background During 2014 and early 2015 NASA had two dedicated precipitation missions in science operations In July 2014 TRMM ran out of fuel and began its descent April 8, 2015 all science instruments were turned off and the TRMM science mission ended Mid June 2015 TRMM will reenter the Earth’s atmosphere GPM launched on February 28, 2014 (Japan date) from Tanegashima Space Center By March 8 both the GMI and the Dual-Frequency radar were in science operations mode At request of applications users as well as readiness of algorithms GMI level 1 brightness temperatures were made publicly available in June 2014 (3 months ahead of the planned schedule) In July 2014 GMI “at launch” precipitation retrievals were made publicly available (2 months ahead of schedule) In September 2014 radar and combined precipitation retrievals made publicly available (on schedule)
NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS GPM Data Available All data is available under the NASA open data policy: All data is free to all users Near realtime GMI level 1B brightness temperatures within 1 hour of data collection 90% of time GMI level 2 precipitation retrievals using GPROF algorithm within 1 hour of data collection 90% of time Partner 1C intercalibrated brightness temperatures latency as provided by partners Partner GPROF precipitation retrievals latency tied to partner 1C Radar: L2 Ku band, Ka band, dual-frequency Ku/Ka Combined: Ku/Ka/GMI latency within 180 mins of data collection 90% of time IMERG: all radiometers merged.1 deg x.1 deg half-hourly gridded o Early: currently 6 hours from data collection o Late: currently 16 hours from data collection All access via ftp focus on retrieval through scripts
NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS GPM Data Products Available Research quality production products L1B: GMI and Ku/Ka radar L1C intercalibrated brightness temperatures from all partner radiometers GMI and partner radiometer GPROF precipitation retrievals at instrument field of view L3 daily and monthly.25o x.25o GMI and partner gridded precipitation retrievals L2 Ku/Ka/dual-frequency precipitation retrievals at the instrument field of view L3 daily (ascending and descending) and monthly.25o x.25o gridded radar precipitation retrievals L2 combined GMI/radar precipitation retrieval at the resolution of Ku and Ka L3 daily and monthly.25o x.25o gridded combined GMI/radar precipitation retrievals L3 IMERG final prod uct (because of ancillary data comes out 3 months after data collection After the first GPM based reprocessing, all partner data including TMI will be reprocessed back to 1998 using the new GPM algorithms
NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Access to the Data Must be registered To support gathering usage statistics To receive information of data product and system status Online registration available: Access data with a search and query interface and establish special or standing orders: All data is always online and registered users can also access directly via ftp Production data on: NRT data on: Questions about products etc can be sent to
NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Five Year Forecast Continue to support the TRMM mission through ~February 2016 when final descent into atmosphere will likely occur Merge the ongoing processing TRMM data into the GPM data stream so that TRMM data always reflects the latest GPM algorithm development Support 2 years of initial GPM mission and approved 2 years of extended GPM mission Carry out the first full GPM reprocessing (occurs after processing a minimum of 1 year of GPM data) Add new radiometers as they are launched (either conical scanners or cross-track scanners) Provide additional formats of output or on user demand output Modify the intercalibration of partner radiometers as partners make changes or xcal makes table changes Continually ensure that GMI calibration is fully understood and always maintained at highest level through continual monitoring and trending