The Conversation Project May 2016 Harriet Warshaw Executive Director
Engaging people in defining their own values, goals, and preferences concerning care at the end of life and ensuring that their care team understands their wishes has proven remarkably elusive and challenging. Dying in America Report p.16
Recommendation 5. Civic leaders, public health and other governmental agencies, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, consumer groups, health care delivery organizations, payers, employers, and professional societies should engage their constituents and provide fact- based information about care of people with advanced serious illness to encourage advance care planning and informed choice based on the needs and values of individuals.
Available: Where People Live, Work, and Pray Conversation Ready Communities: 350 organizations in 40+ states Conversation Ready Companies: Tufts Health Plan, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Dow Chemical, and Fidelity bringing TCP to their employees Conversation Ready Health Systems: 40 systems Conversation Sabbath: an interfaith initiative started in Boston. November 11 – 20
Regional Example: Boulder
Awareness: Death Over Dinner
Getting the Conversation Started Conversation Starter Kit (translations + EMR summary) How to Talk to Your Doctor Starter Kit Starter Kit for Parents of Seriously Ill Children Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease Starter Kit
Goals of PSA Campaign Normalize conversations about end-of-life care Connect with people on an emotional level Reach diverse populations Send people to Move people to action
Bus King Example 13
Platform Poster Example 14
Digital Media Ads Targeted display ads and video ads on media outlet websites & Facebook. The ads targeted internet users who fit TCP’s demographic and those who search for similar content Ads followed internet users as they continue to search the web 15
Examples of Probono Placements 16
Total Website Visits (Boston Metro) 17
Total Website Visits (Boston Metro) 18 Total Website VisitsNew Website UsersDownloads % Increase 175%231%49%
Digital Ads Final Results Non-FB Digital Impressions: 3,642,790 Facebook impressions: 1,615,311 Total Digital Impressions: 5,258,101 19
Signs of Cultural Change Mainstream – Dr. Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal” hits the best seller list – Opening weekend success of “The Fault in Our Stars” – The Writers Guilds East and West – Brittany Maynard’s illness and death provokes national debate Medicine – The Institute of Medicine releases its report, "Dying in America” – Massachusetts rules that doctors must have a conversation about advance planning with terminally ill patients – CMS to reimburse for End-of-Life Care Conversations 20