Hotel/Motel Ordinance Hampton City Council July 9, 2014
Slide 2 Purpose Update on Compliance Inspections and Permitting Process Status Report on Housing Assistance for Occupants Recommended Code Revisions to Clarify Definitions and Expand Exceptions
Slide 3 Enforcement Inspected 26 Hotel/Motels and identified 650 code violations Summons Issued 9 summonses issued for failure to obtain a permit. Court dispositions – 7 summonses dismissed because permit obtained prior to trial. 2 summonses evidence found sufficient and owner/operator placed on 1 year probation. Corrective actions completed 650 Currently the Health Department has issued permits to 26 hotels to operate.
Slide 4 Code Revisions Defines lodging unit as transient living and sleeping quarters for a person or persons Defines transient as a period of thirty (30) days or less. Clarifies exception for extended stay hotels. Extends length of stay period to no longer than thirty (30) days in a one hundred and eighty (180) day period Provides exceptions for individuals receiving long term medical treatment at a facility in the city that makes it necessary to stay in the city for a period exceeding 30 days.
Slide 5 Code Revisions Where there is a written contract between the hotel or motel and a governmental, charitable or insurance agency to house families in crisis who are receiving temporary housing assistance from said governmental, charitable or insurance agency. Allows up to two rooms to be used for up to two bona-fide employees to reside on premises for a hotel or motel with up to one hundred fifty (150) rooms Allows up to three rooms to be used for three bonafide employees to reside on premises for any hotel or motel over one hundred fifty (150) rooms.
Slide 6 Housing Assistance Options Available To Hotel Occupants Detailed screenings to assess needs for housing and other benefits-identify and eliminate barriers Assessments to determine level of services needed Funding for Rapid Re-housing to prevent homelessness Intervene with landlords to get second chance opportunities for housing
Slide 7 Next Steps Continue outreach to families and offering available DSS services Continue code enforcement activities with Health, Police, Fire and Codes Work with hotel owners to develop transition plans for remaining long-term occupants