Prader-Willi Syndrome Kalena Spinola
Description A cogential (present from birth) disease, affecting many parts of the body. People with this condition are often obese, have reduced muscle tone, mental ability, and produce little or no sex hormones.
Symptoms Physical Almond Shaped Eyes Short Stature Small Hands & Feet Behavior Problems Obsessive/Compulsive Actions Depression Quick Temper
Symptoms Infants-Childhood Weak Muscle Tone Trouble Eating Sleep Abnormalities Body Temperature Delayed Motor Development Mental Retardation
Symptoms Adolescence-Adulthood Delayed Puberty Obesity Food Cravings Leads to: Diabetes High Blood Pressure Joint/Lung Problems
Effecting Traits Population Affects 1 in 10,000-25,000 births Occurs in all Races Effects Male & Female Affects 1 in 10,000-25,000 births Life Expectancy Normal
Inheritance Chromosome 15 Deletion Alterations Locus: 15q11-q13 Chromosome Partial Deletion Deletion of Entire Chromosome Maternal Disomy Imprinting Defect Chromosome
Reproduction Spontaneous genetic disorder Random occurance Reproduction is normal
Causes Normal Development Depends on Chromosome 15 Effects Hypothalamus Region registers feelings of hunger Lack of muscle mass Fewer calories burned-Obesity
Treatments/Cures No Whole Cure Various Therapies Physical, Speech, Occupational, etc Special Feeding TEchniques Strict Diet/Weight Control
Additional Information Most common genetic cause of obesity Can be detected before birth PWS-like disorder can be developed