Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+ vocational mobility projects implemented in years by Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych (ZSP-Complex of secondary schools) in Chojna (Poland) with partners from Sherborne (UK), Marsaskala (Malta) and Germany.
9 PROJECTS: Europe Hotel, Work experience in European hotels, Work experience in European hotels 2, Work experience for hotel students, Work experience for catering students, European quality in the training of hotel students, European quality in the training of hotel students 2, From training to work, From training to work 2.
Partners - 11 hotels and 4 restaurants from England, Malta and Germany
Sherborne: Eastbury Hotel, Crown, Bakehouse B&B, Sherborne Hotel, Grange at Oborne, Antelope Hotel, Half Moon Hotel.
Marsaskala: Sensi Hotel and Restaurant, Waterline Restaurant, 47 Summer Nights Restaurant, Grabiel Restaurant.
Berlin: Hotel Generator, Angermünde: Hotel Am Seetor, Gut Kerkow: Hotel Gut Kerkow.
Young people participated in a 4-week apprenticeship in hotels and restaurants in England, Germany and Malta. They raised their occupational qualifications and experience, increased language competence and expanded knowledge about culture and habits of partner countries.
182 students Euros total funding amount received from European Commission
ECVET - European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training, was implemented in ZSP in Chojna.
Each participating student received Europass Mobility certificate.
ZSP in Chojna was awarded VET Mobility Charter for its excellence in vocational mobility projects.