James Mercer Langston Hughes was born on February 1 st, He was the second child of school teacher Carrie (Caroline) Mercer Langston and James Nathaniel Hughes. Later, he ended up with three more siblings. They then grew up in a series of Midwestern small towns.
His parents divorced when he was only a small child. After the divorce, his father moved to Cuba then Mexico. His mother moved to Lincoln, Illinois. Hughes lived with his grandmother (Mary Patterson Langston) until he was thirteen. They lived in Lawrence, Kansas. When his grandmother died, Langston lived with family friends, James and Mary Reed, for two years. James & Mary Reed
Langston Hughes’s parents divorced when he was little. From there, his father moved to Cuba, and then Mexico. His mother moved to Lincoln, Illinois. When Hughes went to live with his mother and her boyfriend, they eventually moved to Cleveland, Ohio. From the time when his parents divorced to the time he moved in with his mom, Hughes lived with his grandmother. She supported him with everything he did.
Langston Hughes attended the last part of high school in Cleveland, Ohio. After he graduated high school, he then attended Columbia University in However, he left Columbia for racial intolerance. After he left Columbia, he then attended Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. He graduated from there in Columbia University Lincoln University
Langston Hughes was more than just any ordinary man. He was a poet. Aren’t all poets famous though? But he was not just a poet. He was a prolific writer. He was also an integral part of the Harlem Renaissance. He was an important part of history because if the messages that came across in his poems, as well as his amazing talents.
Langston Hughes died on May 22 nd, 1967 at the age of 65. He died of Lung (Prostate) Cancer as he was having abdominal surgery. Hughes was cremated. His ashes were buried in Harlem under a special medallion. The medallion was in the Arthur Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
Langston Hughes didn’t start writing poetry until he was in the eighth grade. His poem impressed his teachers and classmates. This poem was soon put in the magazine Monthly. He then became a part of the Monthly staff.