Speerpunt Ecosystem & Landscape Services (SELS) Dolf de Groot Environmental Systems Analysis Group Leon Braat Alterra Workshop 4 November 2008 > Present progress made with SELS supported projects > Discuss future developments (+ Strengthen collaboration) Exploring the potential of nature to improve quality of life KB1 Thema “Duurzame Ontwikkeling v.d. Groen-Blauwe Ruimte…(Paul Opdam) KB2 Thema “Klimaatverandering (Pier Vellinga & Pavel Kabat)
13:00 Aims and achievements (Dolf) 16:20 Plans 2009 (and beyond) (Leon) 13:15Case “Groene Woud” (Carla Grashof) 13:40 – 15:00 Theme 5 (financing) & 4 (planning) Theme 3 (trade-offs) 15:00 – 15:30 BREAK 15:30 – 16:20 Theme 2 (valuation) and 1 (services) 16:35 – 17:00 Discussion / general questions > 17:00 Drinks P R O G R A M M A
1.Scientific progress and innovation (“scientific relevance”) (scientific articles, conferences, etc) -> 5 themes 3. Improve planning & decision-making (“policy-relevance”) (decision-support tools & contribution to policy-documents) 2.Develop management tools & demonstration projects (guidelines, case studies, capacity building etc..) -> case studies 4.Contribute to monitor changes in E&L services (development of indicators, eg for Natuurverkenning 2011) 5.Improve communication and awareness (about E&LS) (visualisation-tools, data bases, etc) 6.Establish an (inter)nationally recognized network (“make WUR more visible”) -> website & NV&F Platform Main aims (ambition) of SELS (to achieve in 3-5 years = 2009/2011)
1.Scientific progress and innovation (“scientific relevance”) scientific articles presentations at conferences, etc) -> 5 themes (currently mid-term review) Main aims (ambition) of SELS (to achieve in 3-5 years = 2009/2011)
Ecosys- tem & Landscape Properties Ecosystem /Landscap Functions (+ Goods & Services) (2) Values (ecological, cultural, & economic) (5) Financing Mechanisms Management instruments (3) Trade-off analysis (optimisation & cost- benefit analysis) (4) Plan-alternatives & Design -Scenario development -Spatial analysis (& mapping) (1 ) Vragen vanuit beleid en maatschappij 1.Quantifying ES (incl. spatial aspects) ~ Thresholds/Veerkracht 2. Valuation (‘ECE’) (incl. perceptions (landsch.bel) ~gezondheid (“welzijn & betrokkenheid”) 3. Trade-off Instr (DSS-tools, Incl MKBA) ~Climate change SELS Approach & Themes 4. Spatial Planning & design 6. Commu- nication & visuali- sation 5. Financing sust. use of E&LS
2.Develop management tools & demonstration projects Guidelines how to apply integrated “SELS- approach” case studies - Groene Woud - PRESENCE Main aims (ambition) of SELS (to achieve in 3-5 years = 2009/2011)
Internal Collaboration (to improve innovation & efficiency) Pilot Case National Landscape “Groene Woud” Small-scale landscape with many functions and (historical) values Carla Grashof Stimulate SELS-(co) funded projects to collaborate in Groene Woud Kwantificering en waardering van E&L Services (Thema 1 & 2) Ontw. “basis-kaart”/landschap elementen (Arjan Koomen/Griffioen) Function-analysis (Carla/Dolf + Theme 1 projects + students) Vestigingsklimaat (Peter Veer / Joke Luttik Belevingswaarde (Sjerp de Vries / Martin Goossen) Afweging (MKBA/MCDA) – incl. relatie met klimaatadaptatie MKBA klimaatadaptatie (PhD Jeroen Veraart / Roel Jongeneel) Linking ecological & economic systems..RITA (Wim Heijman et al) Planning & design- incl. modellen (eg “RITA” + EURURALIS ??) PhD Jolande Termorshuizen Financieringsinstrumenten (PhD Gerdien Meijerink) [+Polman & de Blaeij?] REP (Herbert Diemont): boeren voor natuur, streekrekening) Communication & visualisation (eg BelevingsGIS / “daarmoetikzijn”)
3.Improve planning & decision-making (“policy-relevance”) decision-support tools - “RITA” - MKBA (climate adaptation measures) -> Discussie over kosten & baten EHS Main aims (ambition) of SELS (to achieve in 3-5 years = 2009/2011)
Toenemende aandacht Ecosystem Services in beleid (notities) “Investeren in het Nederlandse Landschap: opbrengst geluk en euro’s” (LNV, 2007) “Nederland weer Mooi …” (VROM / Delta Plan- VNCL ) RMNO: Congres 'Groen en Gezond, hoe verder?' 25 april 2007 OS: ES & Poverty Alleviation V&W: multi-functional use (climate change) Beleidsprogramma Biodiversiteit 2008 – 2011 “Biodiversiteit werkt: voor natuur, voor mensen, voor altijd” BB Symposium 30 sept 2008 Mei 2008
4.Contribute to monitor changes in E&L services development of indicators -> Theme 1 (fijnstof, plaagbestr., waterkwal.) + Natuurverkenning 2011 Main aims (ambition) of SELS (to achieve in 3-5 years = 2009/2011)
Kennismarkt MNP (nu PBL) 3 april 2008 “Volgende Natuur-verkenning meer aandacht voor ecosysteem diensten” 1.(Duurz.h) Indicatoren - Milieu & natuurbalans -.. Compendium 2. Waardering & afweging - Beleving & waardering landschap - MKBA / Klimaatadapt. 3. Beleidsanalyse-modellen - GLOBIO, EURURALIS - Natuurplanner
5.Improve communication and awareness (about E&LS) visualisation-tools, data bases, etc - “Tools” (“daarmoetikzijn”/- belevingsGIS) - CaseBase ( - Persberichten / interviews etc Main aims (ambition) of SELS (to achieve in 3-5 years = 2009/2011)
Theme 1: Quantify ES Theme 2 Valuation Belevingswaarde Theme 4: Planning / ontwerp Theme 5: Financing SELS: 15 projects + div. PhD-studies (tot: 2-4/Theme) ? Theme 3 Trade-off analysis
6.Establish an (inter)nationally recognized network (“make WUR more visible”) Website ( Meetings / conferences [2009] NV&F Platform ( International projects / assessments eg. TEEB Main aims (ambition) of SELS (to achieve in 3-5 years = 2009/2011)
Nat. Platform Natuurwaardering & Financiering (NV&F) Samenwerking DK-Min. LNV + WUR (ESA & Wag.Int) +Tropenbos, + FSD + ECNC + IvM-VU + WWF + IUCN + Wetl. Int. + ……?
“Visibility & Scientific Output” National Symposium (voorjaar 2009) “Biodiversiteit Werkt” (BB) / “Investeren in Landschap (EHS) Loont” - ism Nature Valuation & Financing Network Internationaal Congres (Najaar 2009) -> titel nog bedenken (rond de 5 SELS Thema’s) Article: “Challenges in integrating ecosystem services and values in landscape planning, management and sustainable financing” -> present and discuss main “research challenges” per Theme (1-5/6) + what SELS / WUR is contributing to advance the science in this field