LHC Cryogenics, equipment & interventions around P3/P7 S. Claudet, “volunteer” for TE_CRG 16 Oct’14
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P72/11 Content Introduction to Cryo HW at P3/P7 What we know What we do not know (yet!) Our proposed approach Summary Electronics already treated by Juan Casas on Wed. 15th
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P73/11 Typical examples (R3 around Q6) Intervention on a valve Cryogenic line return module (QRL_RM) Sector door Q6_R3
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P74/11 Typical examples (L7 around Q6) Cryogenic line return module (QRL_RM) DFBMH Sector door
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P75/11 HL-LHC new sc LHC scheme Q7DFBAMBQ6MBQ7DFBAMBQ6MB Technical gallery TZ76 Main tunnel RM HL-LHC scheme Q7DFAMBQ6MB DFHA DSHA DSL M DFM Q7DFAMBQ6MB DFHA DSHADSL M DFM RM After LS2 Cryogenic distribution line (QRL) Warm He recovery line (WRL) But instrumentation and valves of cryogenic line and DF’s will remain !
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P76/11 What we know Qualification of installed HW –Validated electronics and sensors (cf talk by Juan Casas) Interventions during LHC runs periods –Few cases on instrumentation/connectors/valves/leaktightness –Dedicated zone reserved for potentially activated cards (not used, buffer zone enough) Foreseen maintenance –Basically nothing systematic, possibly towards the end of LSx Consolidations done –Mechanical work on electrical feed boxes (DFB’s) –QRL-bellows Necessary re-commissioning after a LSx –Usual instrumentation/connectors/valves, including search & fix Helium leaks Few examples of surprises so far –Mostly instrumentation and valves for DFB’s or QRL, with difficult access Recent “rag” blocking a valve stem at QRL_RM_R3, several hours “on the valve”
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P77/11 What we know, DFB’s Valves for current leads cooling Connectors (difficult) Access !!! 1’200 current leads, with valves/instrumentation/connectors Recent warning that things will change!
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P78/11 Our concern so far: DFBX’s Valves Instrumentation Connectors Leaktigntness NB: only DFBX of P1/P5 will be removed during LS3, not P2/P8 ! For the 1st time, some remove HW (valves) had to be kept in controled area
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P79/11 What we do not know (yet!) Future doses and activation levels –For sure simulations exists (there might be surprises) –We have to get familiar to this, and learn how to behave accordingly !!! Future surprises (by definition) –Sensors - instrumentation - connectors - Helium leaks: failures or affected by other activities/interventions … –Other type of “rag” to be removed from a valve !
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P710/11 Our proposed approach Continued monitoring of our statistics and experience Keep in touch with RP-R2E specialists In case of Rad-R2E issues (surprises): –Evaluate, analyse, treat (HW-SW-relocation) In case of interventions, ultra-basic knowledge : –Perform as much outside these areas –Share time of exposure if required –… Obviously not yet experienced for “exposed” areas, but aware that this will be required soon ! Very basic ! !!!
SC - 16Oct'142014_Rad/R2E_workshop_Cryo_P3/P711/11 Summary Besides R2E cases already treated, we had no sign of weakness so far due to radiations, and are confident with HW installed at P3/P7 (properly qualified) We will have mostly scheduled works to be done during Lsx, but possibly few interventions during LHC runs on instrumentation or valves with difficult/delicate access Without experience for interventions in “exposed” areas, (just starting to built-up experience with interventions in the environment of triplets) we will need to organise our activities properly and acquire necessary specific knowledge, procedures, adequate spares, training … Thanks for your understanding !