MISP Service Delivery: Outreach Clinical Training Modules Tomo CALAIN WATANABE UNFPA HRB Fifth IAGW Training Partnership Meeting 30 December 2010
Background Initiated by partners in IAWG training partnership Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) –Objectives »Identify coordinators for the MISP »Plan for the provision of comprehensive RH services »Prevent and manage the consequences of sexual violence »Reduce HIV transmission »Prevent excess neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality SPRINT Target: RH coordinators Target: service providers Outreach Clinical Training Modules
Concept of the training modules To ensure good RH technical practices in MISP Outreach technical refresher training –2-days/module x 5 modules –modules could be taught separately –in-country training Working at PHC level Accredited doctors, nurses and midwives with experience in RH
Module Status (by the end of Dec Responsible agency Standard precautionsUnder review (ready for piloting) UNFPA Clinical management of rape ReadyUNHCR/UNFPA /IRC Manual vacuum aspirations Under piloting (ready for printing) IPAS Vacuum extraction for assisted vaginal delivery Under piloting (ready for printing) UNFPA Other signal functions (basic EmONC) Under review (ready for piloting) CARE
Challenges Technical –Standardization between modules –Translation –Cost of training box –Certification Administrative framework –Regional partners –Pool of trainers on demand? –Monitoring: necessary? indicators?