SENnet Monitoring Visit Pille Tina-Kuusik Information Technology Foundation for Education(HITSA) Tiger Leap Foundation ESTONIA
1: Highlights of SENnet An overview about SEN policies in different European countries Highlighting how to implement ICT to SEN education Shared best practice between project partners and possibility to disseminate it among Estonian teachers (articles on educational portal Koolielu about case studies, peer-to-peer visits) 4 tutored e Learning courses for Estonian teacher about SEN (continues after the end of the project) Providing policy makers (MoE, foundation Innove) and head teachers of SEN schools with outcomes of the project.
2: Activity Role: partner in following activities - research of different approaches (WP2), competence development of educators, dissemination Tasks: WP1 - participating in the project meetings, managing reports WP2 - 3 thematic studies WP3 - T ranslation of vocabularies, 4 new resources to LRE WP4 - modified eLearing course on educational portal Koolielu WP5 - contribute to activities ensure quality of the projects WP 6 - to promote the project’s activities and outcomes on educatlional portal, via in-service teacher-trainers network and newsletter
2: Activity -Th ree thematic studies (case studies) with videos -15 articles about the projects outcomes and best practices shared in SENnet network on Koolielu portal -4 e-course for Estonian teachers was carried out on the theme Inclusion of pupils with special needs in mainstream schools SENnet meeting in Estonia, Tallinn September School visit, meeting with Estonina MoE reprasetative and App developer - Meeting with Estonian MoE and schools principals on the 30th October 2014
2: Activity WP 2 3 thematic studies with videos 3 annual reports
2: Activity WP 3 –Translation of vocabularies –4 new resources to LRE
2: Activity WP 4 4 tutored e-courses for Estonian teachers were carried out on the theme Inclusion of pupils with special needs in mainstream schools
2: Activity WP 5 Participation in learning visits and workshops Organising SENnet meeting in Estonia, Tallinn September 2014 school visit meeting with Estoninan MoE reprasetative Presenation from App developer
2: Activity WP 6 to promote the project activities and outcomes on portal, via in- service teacher-trainers network and newsletter toetamiseks-loodud-riiklikud-ikt-keskused toetamiseks-loodud-riiklikud-ikt-keskused koolis-alpide-vahel koolis-alpide-vahel kopenhaageni-kogemusest-hev-laste-kaasamisel-tavakoolidesse kopenhaageni-kogemusest-hev-laste-kaasamisel-tavakoolidesse nouab-opetajalt-lisaressurssi nouab-opetajalt-lisaressurssi...
2: Activity WP 6
3: Sustainability plans -Running eLearning course on Koolielu portal -Dissemination of best practice based how use tablets -Networking with teachers from SEN schools and mainstream schools -Supporting teachers in different activities how to integrate ICT to SEN pupils learning process (encourage to take part eTwinning and other different activities) -collaboration with policy makers and Estonia Ministry of Education
4: Budget Reguest of amendment in February EUR from TRAVEL to OTHER cost
STAFF Pille Tina-Kuusik (researcher) Merje Pors (manager until June 2014) Elo Allemann (manager from July 2014) Tiger Leap Foundation TLF Information Technology Foundation for Education Tiger Leap Foundation was merged to Information Technology Foundation for Education on 1 May 2013 by Estonia Ministry of Education