Instrument Jeopardy Families Pitch Sound Production Parts & Materials Take a Chance Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
Flute family
$100 Answer from Families What is the woodwind family?
Trombone family
$200 Answer from Families What is the brass family?
Xylophone family
$300 Answer from Families What is the percussion family?
English Horn family
$400 Answer from Families What is the woodwind family?
Dulcimer family
$500 Answer from Families What is the string family?
Lowest pitched brass instrument
$100 Answer from Pitch What is a tuba?
Highest pitched string instrument
$200 Answer from Pitch What is a violin?
Double Bass pitch and family
$300 Answer from Pitch What is the lowest string?
Unpitched percussion instrument: snare drum or timpani?
$400 Answer from Pitch What is the snare drum?
Lowest instrument in an orchestra
$500 Answer from Pitch What is a contrabassoon?
You hit or scrape the instruments in this family
$100 Answer from Sound Production What are percussion instruments?
You buzz into a mouthpiece in this family
$200 Answer from Sound Production What are brass instruments?
The family that uses bows
$300 Answer from Sound Production What is the string family?
An instrument that uses a double reed
$400 Answer from Sound Production What is an oboe, English Horn, bassoon, or contrabassoon?
When a hammer hits my strings I make a sound
$500 Answer from Sound Production What is a piano or hammered dulcimer?
The instruments in this family are usually made of metal
$100 Answer from Parts & Materials What is the brass family?
The sound comes out of the bell in this family
$200 Answer from Parts & Materials What is the brass or woodwind family?
The instruments in these families are usually made of wood
$300 Answer from Parts & Materials What are the string and woodwind families?
The part of the French Horn that is used to change the pitch
$400 Answer from Parts & Materials What are valves?
You shorten the string length on a cello by putting your fingers on this
$500 Answer from Parts & Materials What is the fingerboard?
The family with the most instruments of all
$100 Answer from Take a Chance What is the percussion family?
Three materials used to make brass instruments
$200 Answer from Take a Chance What are brass, copper, silver, tin, animal horns, bones, ivory, seashells, wood, or fiber-glass
The youngest or newest member of the woodwind family
$300 Answer from Take a Chance What is the saxophone?
The didgeridoo comes from this country
$400 Answer from Take a Chance What is Australia?
The number of strings on a full-sized concert harp
$500 Answer from Take a Chance What is 47?
Final Jeopardy This American wrote many marches, including The Stars and Stripes Forever. A tuba-like instrument was named after him in the 1890s.
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is John Philip Sousa? (The instrument is the sousaphone.)