Measuring Respondent feedback Pia Thomsen Forms design team
Respondent feedback Voluntary questions on time usage and user-friendliness Response rate Table examples Preliminary results Comments 2
Annual surveys – Response rates OnlineUser quest.Comment Environmental protections expenditures61973 %11 % External trade in organic goods21973 %10 % Research, Development and Innovation %6 % Agricultural and horticultural survey %20 % Raw material and industrial services69882 %11 % Patents and IP rights %9 % Patents and IP rights %8 % Danish foreign affiliates %10 % Additional labour costs %4 % Public libraries %45 % Research libraries %39 % Use of internet %12 % Absence12863 %22 % Public sector finances2387 %13 % 4
Quarterly surveys – Response rates 5 OnlineUser questions Comments Job vacancy statistics - 3rd quarter %2 % Transport of goods - 3rd quarter %5 % Pigs - 3rd quarter %1 %
Monthly surveys - Response rates AnswersComments March April3967 May3295 June2122 July Out of ca. 900 responses via Industrial production and new orders
Respondent evaluation - aggregated 7
Respondent evaluation 8 Example: Environmental protection expenditures
9 Access to questionnaire Understanding questions Obtaining answersData entryAverage score Time used (min) (median) Answers (Total online) Agricultural and horticultural survey (1.668) External trade in organic goods (343) Additional labour costs (1.375) Job vacancy statistics (1.037) Raw material and industrial services (616) Index of retail sales (431) Patents and IP rights (2.600) ICT investment and expenditures (3.119) Environmental protections expenditures (883) Danish foreign affiliates (1.902) Research, Development and Innovation (2.790) Transport of goods (378) Pigs (511) Investment Expectations (567) Public libraries (98) Research libraries (72) Use of internet (2.600) Industrial production and new orders (827) Absence (148)
Time usage 10 Example: Environmental protection expenditures
Cross-tabulation: Find information / time 11 Example: Environmental protection expenditures
Provisional results Across all surveys: The most difficult task is to obtain the necessary information First-time users find it difficult to get access to online portal - Data entry is the least difficult task 12
Comments and suggestions Difficult to get access to –Down time –Digital signature Difficult to obtain information –Discrepancy in calculation methods –Respondents don’t have access to sufficiently detailed information 13
Comments and suggestions Technical problems –Performance –Lost data –Browser problems Lack of relevance –Research, development and innovation survey - ca. 50% of all comments –Patents and IP rights - ca. 90 % 14
My Favourite Comments ”You can’t keep sending this kind of junk to me. I have other and more important things to use my time on.” ”Please send me 2 bottles of ‘Gl. dansk’ (alcohol) for the inconvenience you have caused me.” 15