Unit 2 I can do it. (completing a resume with can)
What to do? To complete a resume with can
Please guess what I can do. I can… Guessing game
I can teach English. I can sing English songs. I can use the computer. I can drive a car. I can cook. I can play basketball. I can play the guitar. I can play volleyball. I can swim. can do sth.
speak Chinese drive a car repair computers teach English read in Chinese serve customers 1) I can______________.3) I can ______________.2) I can _____________. 5) I can _______________. 4) I can _______________. 6) I can _____________. speak Chineseread in Chineseserve customers repair computersteach English drive a car Look and complete.
姓 名 性 别 照片 出生年月 身份证号码 身高身高 CM 籍 贯 是否师范类毕业生 生源地 (应届生填写) 人事关系及档案所在 单位 (在职人员填写) 现户口所在地 ( 在职人员填写 ) 最高荣誉称号 ( 在职人员填写 ) 本科毕业院校 及专业 本科前三年平均绩点 (或平均分) 研究生毕业院 校及专业 本科 平均分 手机号 码 本科是否全日 制毕业 通讯地址 本人确认上述填报 情况 本人签名: 填表 日期: 年 月 日 2016 年 x x 市 x x 区招聘教师报名表 What information should be included in a resume? Name Gender Address ID Card No. Date of Birth Photo Address Abilities Phone Number Resume (个人简历) Objective
Resume Name Sally Smith Gender Female Age 25 Phone Number (022) Address No. 4 Hexi Street, Tianjin Address Objective( 求职意向) Sales Manager Abilities I can use the computer. I can drive a car. I can write in English and French. … a. How old is Sally? b. What can Sally do? c. What position does Sally want to apply for?( 申请) d. What’s Sally’s address? Sally is 25. She can use the computer. She can drive a car. She can write in English and French. She wants to apply for a sales manager position.
What qualities ( 素质;能力) should you have if you want to be an accountant ( 会计人员) in the future?
can use the computer can fill out reports (填写报表) can count money professionally (点钞) can communicate well (沟通能力) can cooperate well (合作能力) can be patient (细致的) be honest (诚实的)... Key words:
Resume NameGender AgePhone Number Address Address Objective Abilities Key words: can use the computer; can fill out reports( 填报表) ; can count money professionally( 点钞) ; be honest (诚实的) can communicate well (沟通能力) ; can be patient; (细致的) can cooperate well (合作能力) … Complete the resume for the position of accountant.
Resume Name Lu XiaoxinGender female Age 20Phone Number Address No. 8 Xinhua Road Address Objective accountant Abilities I can use the computer. I can fill out reports. I can count money professionally. I can communicate and cooperate with people well. I can be patient with customers and I am honest.
1. Have read resumes 2. Have written your own resume What you have learnt :
Homework Write a letter to an employer according to your resume.