Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table Objectives 1.To learn the various features of the periodic table 2.To learn some of the properties of metals, nonmetals and metalloids 3.To learn the natures of the common elements
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table A. Introduction to the Periodic Table The periodic table shows all of the known elements in order of increasing atomic number.
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table A. Introduction to the Periodic Table The periodic table is organized to group elements with similar properties in vertical columns.
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table A. Introduction to the Periodic Table Most elements are metals and occur on the left side. The nonmetals appear on the right side. Metalloids are elements that have some metallic and some nonmetallic properties.
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table A. Introduction to the Periodic Table Physical Properties of Metals 1.Efficient conduction of heat and electricity 2.Malleability (can be hammered into thin sheets) 3.Ductility (can be pulled into wires) 4.A lustrous (shiny) appearance Nonmetals generally do not have these characteristics. They are much more varied in their form and properties.
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table B. Natural States of the Elements Most elements are reactive in their pure form. Elements are not generally found in uncombined form. –Exceptions are: Noble metals – gold, platinum and silver Noble gases – Group 8
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table B. Natural States of the Elements Diatomic Molecules Nitrogen gas contains N 2 molecules. Oxygen gas contains O 2 molecules.
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table B. Natural States of the Elements Diatomic Molecules – 7 elements
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table B. Natural States of the Elements Most elements are solids. Only 2 elements are liquids – mercury (Hg) and bromine (Br) gases are the noble gases plus H 2,N 2,O 2,F 2,Cl 2The only gases are the noble gases plus H 2,N 2,O 2,F 2,Cl 2
Section 3.4 Using the Periodic Table B. Natural States of the Elements Elemental Solids can have different forms (allotropes) DiamondGraphiteBuckminsterfullerene Carbon atoms All of these solids are forms of pure carbon
Science or Fiction All of the metallic elements are solids at room temperature. Mercury is the only metallic element that is NOT a solid at room temperature; it is a liquid. Mercury is also known as quicksilver.
Science or Fiction The majority of visible matter in the universe is in the gaseous state. Plasmas are by far the most common phase of matter in the universe, both by mass and by volume. Like gas, plasma does not have a definite shape or a definite volume, but unlike gas, in the influence of a magnetic field, it may form structures.phase of matter
Science or Fiction The inner iron structure of the Statue of Liberty was so corroded in 1984 that it was completely replaced with stainless steel. The entire armature inside the statue was replaced. The puddled iron bars used by Eiffel were gradually removed. The new bars that attach to the pylon are made of low-carbon corrosion-resistant stainless steel. puddled iron stainless steel
Science or Fiction During the Statue of Liberty’s refurbishment starting in 1984, liquid nitrogen was used to safely remove many layers of paint from the copper shell. Liquid nitrogenLiquid nitrogen was used to remove layers of paint that had been applied to the interior of the copper skin over decades, leaving two layers of coal tar, originally applied to plug leaks and prevent corrosion.coal tar