ELAU Service Diagnostics PacDrive M PacDrive III Dilhan Don Liyanage
Content State LED´s State parameter of the PLC Configuration (PacDrive Diagnostics) Online help DiagnosisCode PD Diagnostics one of the best tools as can read from the controller and can’t write to it and hence can’t do any damage DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk
Diagnosis via LED state of the MAx 4 pow (Control voltage) Off: Control voltage is missing or too low ( 24V - 15% => ca. 20V ) On : Normal mode wd (Watchdog) Off : Normal mode On : Fatal error e.g. HW-error, processor is standing still => reset necessary err (error) Off : Normal mode Flash 1,7 Hz: Error class 1-5 active DiagnosisCode: 1xxx ... 5xxx Flash 10 Hz: Boot sequece failed e.g. Configuration file demaged or Minimal boot On : Fatal error during boot sequence e.g. Cancelling boot sequence Hint: State of bus err-LED is not definded during boot sequence. The Controller and the MotorController have control - and error LED´s which allow initial diagnosis even without Software. (see reference manual chapter 4.2.1 and 4.2.2) Minimalboot of the Controller MAx-4 Is there a fatal error in the boot sequence the user can start a minimal boot. Hereby the user files (PLCconfiguration and IEC program) are not considered. Press during the boot sequence ( err LED on) the reset button. The Controller and the MotorController have control - and error LED´s which allow initial diagnosis even without Software. (see reference manual chapter 4.2.1 and 4.2.2) Minimalboot of the Controller MAx-4 Is there a fatal error in the boot sequence the user can start a minimal boot. Hereby the user files (PLCconfiguration and IEC program) are not considered. Press during the boot sequence ( err LED on) the reset button. buserr (Sercos bus error) Off : Normal mode On : Bus error fiber optics e.g. Sercos Ring not closed, fiber optics broken or intensity fiber optics not fit to length of cable (PLC configuration | RTB | No. 2 - Intensity) See Refernce manual chapter 3.1.6 DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
LED state of the C400, C600 and P600 C200 C400, C600 and P600 Content of display is programmable Inquiry of keys via IEC program Diagnosis of the LED´s are according to MAx-4 The Display of the Controllers Cx00 and P600 are showing the IP-Address and the FW – Version . The interface is an open IEC interface, with the possibility to program the display when FW-Version >= 16.40. So you can display your individual values like e.g. Diagnosis code, diagnosis message etc. The LED´s for Power, wd, err, Buserr are having the same meaning as on the MAx-4 (see page 3) The Display of the Controllers Cx00 and P600 are showing the IP-Address and the FW – Version . The interface is an open IEC interface, with the possibility to program the display when FW-Version >= 16.40. So you can display your individual values like e.g. Diagnosis code, diagnosis message etc. The LED´s for Power, wd, err, Buserr are having the same meaning as on the MAx-4 (see page 3) DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
Diagnosis via LED state of the MC- 4 reset pow err buserr S1 x10 S2 x01 pow (Control voltage) Off : Control voltage is missing or too low ( 24V - 15% => ca. 20V ) On : Normal mode err (Fehler) Off : Normal mode Flash 0,5 Hz: Fatal Sercos-error DiagnosisCode: x5xx Flash 2 Hz: Error reaction A, B or C See reference manual chapter 4.4 ‚Diagnosis classes and reaction‘ On : Fatal error during boot sequence e.g. Cancelling boot sequence Hint: State of bus err-LED is not definded during boot sequence. Diagnosis LEDs of the MotorController MC-4 pow (Control voltage display) Off: Control Voltage (24V) is missing or too low. On: Normal mode; Control voltage is within the limit Switches S1 and S2 With the switches S1 and S2 you adapt the addresses of the MC-4. S1 is the 1st digit S2 the 2nd digit. err (error display) Off: normal mode Flashing with 0,5 Hz: fatal SERCOS error Flashing with 2 Hz: Error with reaction A, B or C On: serious error duringboot sequence. buserr Off: Normal mode On : Bus error fiber optics e.g. Sercos-Ring not closed, fiber optics broken or intensity setting incorrect for length of cable (Switch S3 ) Diagnosis LEDs of the MotorController MC-4 pow (Control voltage display) Off: Control Voltage (24V) is missing or too low. On: Normal mode; Control voltage is within the limit Switches S1 and S2 With the switches S1 and S2 you adapt the addresses of the MC-4. S1 is the 1st digit S2 the 2nd digit. err (error display) Off: normal mode Flashing with 0,5 Hz: fatal SERCOS error Flashing with 2 Hz: Error with reaction A, B or C On: serious error during boot sequence. buserr Off: Normal mode On : Bus error fiber optics e.g. Sercos-Ring not closed, fiber optics broken or intensity setting incorrect for length of cable (Switch S3 ) buserr (Sercos bus error) Off : Normal mode On : Bus error fiber optics e.g. Sercos Ring not closed, fiber optics broken or intensity fiber optics not fit to length of cable (Switch S3 ) See Refernce manual chapter 3.1.6 picture 3-2 DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
State parameter MotorController Controller DiagnosisCode is 2111 Diagnosis Message is Excessive Following error MotorController Every system event generates a 4-digit DiagnosisCode, which is shown in the PLCConfiguration in the folder Diagnosis of the Controller. If the source of this diagnosis code is an expansion object you can see the diagnosis code also in the state folder of the expansion object itself. In the upper example is the State - folder of the MotorController. Because of that in the Diagnosis folder you can see also the object ( MC_4) and the instance name (MC_Drive_2). The error ‚Excessive Following error‘ means, that the deviation between reference position (RefPosition) and actual position (Position) had more than 8-times the value as the parameter FollowingLimit in folder Controller. The message logger records system, diagnosis and usage messages in a message log buffer in the RAM of the MAx-4 Controller. The errors are recorded in chronological order in a ring buffer (approx. 325 entries). A time stamp (ms since system start), the time, object, instance, diagnosis code, external diagnosis and message text are recorded. As the message buffer in the RAM can only be buffered for a maximum of 7 days in case of power failure, it is possible to save the message log buffer in a messge log file on the flash disk in the MAx-4 Controller. The MAx-4 Controller can save several message log files on its disk. The message log files can be transmitted from the MAx-4 Controller to the PC with the help of EPAS-4. Several message log files can be saved there as well. The functions of the message logger in detail Save and load a log file : Load the current message logger from MAx-4 Controller in EPAS-4. Save log file : message log buffer (RAM) message log file (MAx-4 file) Reset log entries : clear message log buffer (RAM) Save and reset log file : message log file (RAM) message log file (MAx-4 file) clear message log buffer (RAM) Load log file ... : message log file (MAx-4 file) PC file display Delete log file ... : delete MAx-4 file Load from file ...: PC file display Save as file ...: display PC file. In folder ‚State‘ of the instance ‚MC_Drive_2‘ are DiagnosisCode and DiagnosisMessage stored also. DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk 6 ELAU Training Center
Message logger (Principle) Shift register Stores the last 325 messages in the NVRAM ( on the main module of the Controller ) First In First Out ( FIFO ) Content is buffered for maximum 7 days (without power) Display via EPAS-4 user interface, content storable as *.mel file The message logger records system, diagnosis and usage messages in a message log buffer in the RAM of the MAx-4 Controller. The errors are recorded in chronological order in a ring buffer (approx. 325 entries). A time stamp (ms since system start), the time, object, instance, diagnosis code, external diagnosis and message text are recorded. As the message buffer in the RAM can only be buffered for a maximum of 7 days in case of power failure, it is possible to save the message log buffer in a messge log file on the flash disk in the MAx-4 Controller. The MAx-4 Controller can save several message log files on its disk. The message log files can be transmitted from the MAx-4 Controller to the PC with the help of EPAS-4. Several message log files can be saved there as well. The functions of the message logger in detail Save and load a log file : Load the current message logger from MAx-4 Controller in EPAS-4. Save log file : message log buffer (RAM) message log file (MAx-4 file) Reset log entries : clear message log buffer (RAM) Save and reset log file : message log file (RAM) message log file (MAx-4 file) clear message log buffer (RAM) Load log file ... : message log file (MAx-4 file) PC file display Delete log file ... : delete MAx-4 file Load from file ...: PC file display Save as file ...: display PC file. DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
Message logger (Call) DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk
DiagnosisCode ( Diagnosis class) The real DiagnosisCode is contained in the last 3 digits. The second digit (xXxx) relates to the object which activates the DiagnosisCode. In case of 100 .. 199 the object is the MotorController. The Controller assigns a „DiagCode“ to every exceptional case. This code consists of a diagnosis class and a diagnosis group. The PacDriveM System distinguishes between 8 different Diagnosis classes, which have their own system reactions The assignment of diagnosis classes to groups can be configured (with exceptions) by the programmer. ( see function „DiagConfigSet“ in System.Lib ) DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
DiagnosisCode ( Diagnosis groups ) The classification of the diagnosis groups depends on the last 3 digits of the diagnosis code : x 001 .. x 099 Messages x 101 .. x 199 Motorcontroller MC-4 x 201 .. x 299 Object administration x 301 .. x 399 General x 401 .. x 499 IEC-Task x 501 .. x 599 RealTimeBus x 601 .. x 699 Physical Encoder x 701 .. x 799 Option modules x 801 .. x 899 System failure x 901 .. x 999 Software failure x 101 .. x 199 Motorcontroller MC-4 The real DiagnosisCode is contained in the last 3 digits. The second digit (xXxx) relates to the object which activates the DiagnosisCode. In case of 100 .. 199 the object is the MotorController. The real DiagnosisCode is contained in the last 3 digits. The second digit (xXxx) relates to the object which activates the DiagnosisCode. In case of 100 .. 199 the object is the MotorController DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
Additinal system reactions of the MC-4 111 excessive following error 132 Following error warning The diagnosis code is subdivided into different diagnosis groups, e.g. 100 - 199 belong to the MotorController MC-4. Additional to the Controller the MotorController has its own defined errorhandling. The MotorController distinguishes between 5 reaction classes (A .. F). The MotorController reacts independently from the Controller. Only the diagnosis code will be sent to the Controller via fiber optics. The MotorController MC-4 reacts independently . Merely the Diagnosis code will be transfered to the Controller. DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
Error Reactions A Motor immediately loses all torque; brakes engage immediately e.g:119 "Short circuit or ground fault in output stage“ B Best automatic standstill: Motor decelerates with maximum delay, brakes engage when n<nmin (10 revolutions/min e.g:112 "Communication error real-time bus“ C Motor decelerates with max. delay yet remains under control, brakes do not engage e.g: 124 Overload D Warning message to PacDrive controller; program can be used for controlled, synchronous standstill; if no reaction occurs, then a state class 1 error may result e.g: 125 "I2t motor warning“ E Message e.g: 133 "Speed-dependent power reduction" The diagnosis code is subdivided into different diagnosis groups, e.g. 100 - 199 belong to the MotorController MC-4. Additional to the Controller the MotorController has its own defined errorhandling. The MotorController distinguishes between 5 reaction classes (A .. F). The MotorController reacts independently from the Controller. Only the diagnosis code will be sent to the Controller via fiber optics. The MotorController MC-4 reacts independently . Merely the Diagnosis code will be transfered to the Controller. DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
Online help Online help F1 ELAU Training Center DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk ELAU Training Center
Exercise 4.0 PD Diagnostics DilMotion Control www.motion-control.co.uk
Try also: Remove fibre optics and check Remove encoder wire and check Change sercos address and check