“Ms. Chaumont, I need your help!!!!!” Facebook: Vanessa BioTeacher Chaumont Also, please choose a seat today and commit to sitting there for at least the next three weeks. This makes it way easier for me to learn names and take roll. HEY, THANKS!
The 4 Big Ideas of AP Biology 1.The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. 2.Biological systems utilize energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce, and maintain homeostasis 3.Living systems retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. 4.Biological systems interact, and these interactions possess complex properties.
Workload This is a college-level course, with a college-level workload. Almost-daily readings with guided questions. Pre-lab and Post-lab not able to finish in class. STUDY
Class Summatives Each exam in this class has two portions, each worth 50% 1. SHORT ANSWER: Aside from the first two tests this year, there will be NO MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ON TESTS 2. FREE RESPONSE: There will be a combination of long-essay free response and short-essay free response. Free response portions will be timed. (20 minutes for long essay questions, 6 minutes for each short essay question.)
Need to redo a formative or lab write up? The redo needs to be completed within 5 days of the grade being posted in E-school. The grades of the original assignment and redo with be averaged together. If redo-ing a QUIZ, student must come to tutorials within 5 days of the grade being posted, where you will work on corrections and receive half points back for accurate corrections.
Need to retake a test? Within 2 days of the grade being posted in E-school, I must receive a completed and signed Retake Permission Slip. The retest must be scheduled within 5 days of the grade being posted in E-school. BEFORE you can retest, YOU MUST: - complete a tutorial session with Ms. Chaumont - complete and turn in ALL formative assignments associated with the summative being retaken. The grade of the original test and the retest will be averaged together.
EXTRA CREDIT IS NOT OFFERED IN AP BIOLOGY. EVER. Complete your reading assignments WHEN ASSIGNED. STUDY your notes. Ask questions and attend tutorials when needed.
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BATHROOM School Rule- Can’t go the first 10 minutes of class OR the last 10 minutes. Also, don’t ask to go during lecture.
Moodle I post day to day, exactly what we do and attach any ppts, handouts, instructions, etc. The most recent date will be at the top of my moodle page and descend.
What’d I miss?!?! If you are absent, YOU are responsible for getting your missed work. I have a station at the front of the room. Check Netschool for lessons and ppts You have the # of days you must PLUS ONE to get your make-up worked turned in. It is an awesome idea to come to tutorials if you miss, so I can help catch you up
REMIND Ms. Chaumont says: REMEMBER you need to bring your composition book on TOMORROW! Great way to get reminders of due dates/quiz dates/test dates. Not signing up for Remind 101, is NOT an excuse to not remember important dates. I do not see anyone’s phone numbers I do not overuse this.
REMEMBER…. Composition Book- DUE TOMORROW First Reading Completed- BY TOMORROW Pink (Salmon) Sheet Signature Sheet- DUE FRIDAY I AM map- DUE FRIDAY