FT English 1A: Final Essay Written in Class on Wednesday, 5/11, 5:00-6:45
Due Dates At the final: Journal #2 Monday of finals week (5/16): Essay 4 (optional) Campus Event Extra Credit Drop these in my box (LA 107—most secure method) or at my office (LA 117) Wednesday of finals week (5/18): (optional) Revised essay + the original graded packet due Drop in my box (LA 107—most secure method) or at my office (LA 117)
Supplies You’ll Need to Bring Notes from class and/ or Writing and Revising notes and/or handouts from class/ LSC Writing and Revising Dictionary/ thesaurus (Electronic ok) Music/ headphones
Tips for Writing In- Class Essays Read the whole prompt and make a choice Brainstorm quickly and write a quick outline (1- 3 ideas for each paragraph) Avoid looking at the time so you don’t worry about it and can focus on your writing. Or budget your time so you don’t end up focusing too much on one part of the essay. Listen to music if it helps you Take small pauses/ catch your breath as you draft to keep your focus/ think of more details
Budget Your Time 1.5 Hour= 90 minutes 5 minutes: Read the prompt. Choose a topic and find the main task. 5 minutes: Brainstorm ideas 5 minutes: Quick outline (thesis, main ideas for paragraphs, maybe 1-3 details/ examples) minutes: Draft your essay (start wherever you’re most comfortable) 5-10 minutes: Revise (topic sentences/ thesis statement link/ match, specific examples, conclusion and intro) 5-10 minutes: Edit and proofread (grammar, commas, run-ons/ fragments)
Structure and Content Checklist Introduction that hooks the reader, transitions (background info, introduces main topic), specific thesis. Thesis that forecasts all the body paragraphs Topic sentences for the body paragraphs that include the main idea and link back to the thesis. Transitions between body paragraph at the end or beginning of each body paragraph. Conclusion sentence that ties back to your thesis/ topic sentence. Body paragraphs that include specific examples, personal experiences, anecdotes, observations to support your points. Explain how those examples support your point. First person (I, me, my) is necessary Conclusion paragraph that restates your thesis and leaves your reader a larger insight (moral of the story, what should readers learn, what readers should do next)—it should do more than summarize.
Possible Essay Questions (Develop 10, 5 on the final) In groups, think of a question(s) you might expect to find on each of the following applications: Job application/ in a job interview Scholarship application/ essay Transfer application/ essay
Possible Essay Questions (10 Possible, 5 on the exam) Explain the significance of your major to society 10 years from now. How will your major contribute to your career plans? Describe an experience where you faced an obstacle and explain how you overcame it. Describe your long and short term goals. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Describe a personal success. How will it contribute to this position/ this university?
Possible Essay Questions (10 Possible, 5 on the exam) What’s an experience you went to that made you into the person you are today. From a financial standpoint, what impact will this scholarship have on your education? Why do you want to be a ____? What motivates you to do your best at work/ school? Have you ever displayed leadership/ been a leader? Describe your experience. What makes you a good candidate to receive this award? What are your strengths and your weaknesses as a student/ employee?
Final Reminders Prepare: Review your previous essays, your class/ book notes, handouts from class or the LSC. Spend some time thinking about the questions here and our discussion today. Take care of yourself before/ during finals week: feed yourself, sleep, and do something to relax/ something you enjoy.
Final Reminders The day of the final: Get here early to give yourself time to relax/ eat/ get a greenbook Keep in mind the writing process and your time budget. (You can have notes with you.) Take a deep breath, relax, and stay positive. Remember, you’ve been preparing for this all semester!
Finals Week Office Hours Thursday (5/12) 2-4 Tuesday (5/17) 10:00-11:30 Wednesday (5/18) 12:30-2:00