T cells 34 terms for types of T cell currently exist in the Cell Ontology. Broadly divided into immature and mature subsets, and into alpha-beta and gamma- delta subsets. The genus term ‘T cell’ is the parent term for all types of T cell.
T cell definition [Term] id: CL: name: T cell def: "A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex." [GOC:add, ISBN: ] exact_synonym: "T lymphocyte" [] exact_synonym: "T-cell" [] exact_synonym: "T-lymphocyte" [] is_a: CL: ! lymphocyte relationship: develops_from CL: ! pro-T cell
Immature T cells
Mature T cells
New T cell types Additional T helper subtypes Th17 Th0 Th3 Additional Treg subtypes Tr1 Tr2
Redefinition of T cells Surface Markers Transcription Factors Cytotoxic T cell vs. CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T cell