Are portfolios right for your classroom? LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Dr. Samuel J. Smith
What about you? Do you use portfolios? If so,... For what purpose? How do students construct and organize them? If not,... How do you anticipate portfolios would help you?
What is the difference between a scrapbook and a portfolio?
Purposes and Types Learn Show Growth Obtain Acceptance College Jobs Serve as Evidence Knowledge Skills
Evaluation Portfolio
Competency-based Portfolio
Organization Topics of Study Skills Projects Grade Level Objectives / Standards What other ways?
TermsArtifacts Any item placed in a portfolioAny item placed in a portfolioEvidence Artifacts justified as having met a competencyArtifacts justified as having met a competency Reflection Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation Conference PresentationPresentation DefenseDefense
Contents Cover Letter Résumé Transcripts Test Scores Developing Work Best Work Learning Style Surveys Videos Projects Papers What else should be included?
Deborah Meier: Habits of Mind Perspective Whose perspective is important? Evidence How do you know this is true? Connection How does this interrelate with other content or issues? Relevance Why is this important? Supposition Supposing things were different, what are the implications? Video
What are the implications of the digital presence students are creating for themselves?
Jack Sprat Portfolio ENTER
Table of Contents Personal Statement Résumé Goals Learning Outcomes Awards Letters of Recommendation
Personal Statement This is an introduction of myself and usually includes a picture. Students may include a description of how they identify themselves personally, socially, academically, spiritually, etc. Samuel J. Smith
You get the last word.