NETWORK REPORT SRI LANKA Geological Survey & Mines Bureau Sri Lanka
Precambrian Basement Low seismicity No active faults
Earthquake & Tsunami threat Plate boundaries in the East and West of Sri Lanka Increased seismicity in the South, near equator Micro-Seismic activity within the country
Sensors Teledyne Geotech KS Three component broadband system Long period – very long period channels 20 sps, 1sps and 0.1 sps Grulap CMG-3T Three component short period 40 sps Kinemetrics FBA-23 Three component force balance accelerometer 1 sps continuous mode and 100 sps Data Acquisition System - IDA MK7
KS – Broadband Seismometer The KS is emplaced in a cased borehole drilled into rock of migmitic rock at a depth of 100 meters. The CMG-3T is set in a shallow borehole approximately 0.5 meter from the KS borehole. Configuration – Three Component Sensitivity V/(m Sec -2 )
University Seismic Network
Proposed GEOFON Broadband Stations Two broadband stations link to the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System Site survey completed MoU in progress (GFZ & GSMB) Establish end of 2007
Proposed GEOFON Stations
Future Plans Establish two new GEOFON stations Fix the University Network problems Establish National Data Centre
PALK IRIS/IDA Station University Seismic Network Proposed GEOFON Stations Kandy Colombo National Data Centre
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