Jaz Rabadia MBE – Senior Manager of Energy & Initiatives EMEA BEng, MSc, Chartered Energy Manager MEI Energy Management in Retail – Opportunities & Challenges
My Journey into Energy Management Sainsbury’s Part-Time Customer Services Assistant (2001 – 2007) MSc Energy, Environment Technology & Economics (2006 – 2009) BEng Mechanical Engineering Degree (2003 – 2006) Sainsbury’s Energy Manager (2007 –2013) Energy Manager Debenhams (2013 – 2015) Senior Energy Manager Starbucks (2015 – Present)
The rising cost of energy Space Growth (Increase in usage) Increase in Carbon Taxation Increase in Commodity & Pass through charges Investing in energy makes commercial and environmental sense. Energy bills are set to increase by up to 45% by 2020 unless action is taken
Why bother? Financial savings to the bottom line (energy, waste & water bill, carbon taxation) Improved customer perception of corporate social responsibility agenda Competitive edge Talking about carbon before/differently from our competitors Meeting Shareholder and Customer expectations. MITIGATE AN INCREASING CARBON BILL
Reducing energy usage in Retail Staff best practice behaviour Building Fabric – Insulation, glazing, air tightness The approach to minimising energy is made up of 4 core areas of focus Operational energy efficiency through use of efficient technology and equipment Ongoing facilities management 2-5% 2-5% 15-20% 5-10%
Data is Key Energy data can help to identify when stores are using more energy than expected, particularly overnight and outside of trading hours. It helps to create accurate billing and improves energy procurement opportunities Excessive overnight usage Typical daily energy profile
Some Challenges Whilst many organisations have understood the financial and environmental opportunities that are associated with energy, for many there are still many challenges Leadership and Board room buy in Upfront capital investment Visibility of energy data, billing information Building the business case – making the numbers stack up Engaging the various stakeholders Implementing initiatives in a dynamic retail customer focused environment Proving and sustaining the savings