Team Portrayals Documentation Team Oct. 23th 2002
Our Team Coach: Astrid Stangler Members: Anis Trimeche Banko Banov Evelyn Koska Thorsten Schöckel
Our Goals Page 12: Infinite Loop...see Loop, Infinite Page 21: Loop, Infinite...see Infinite Loop
Our Real Goal Create the documentation for the client and the programmers Keep to Software Engineering Standards
Procedure Construct documentation overview Provide templates and styleguides Evaluate tools and integrate them Observe timestamps and history
Cross-functional team who negotiates and implements changes in the FRAG Framework Responsible for finding common solutions that should be added to the Framework The Framework Team
What we‘ll be responsible for
The Framework Layer I/O component: provides an interface for merging and distributing events of multiple devices (mouse, keyboard, special input devices) Game component: manages all game data, provides access for addressing multiple FRAG objects, controls and updates the mission state Peer-to-peer component: responsible for the P2P game setup - dynamical peer discovery and connection establishment
Infrastructure for tournaments in mobile environments Manages peer-to-peer communication Distributed object synchronization and state replication between peers Message transport for object-based 2D or 3D game worlds... and how it is thought to be utilized Supposed to be modified and extended according to our own needs What is provided by the FRAG Framework...
Please post your suggestions and demands concerning the FRAG Framework on our BBoard Thanx for the attention! Your Framework Team And finally… Presentation by Profy
Team Portrayal Film Team
Team Members Atoudem Kana Chris Christopher Joerg Tobias Klüpfel Vadim
Goals Customer presentation Multimedia review documentation
Customer presentation Product commercial Presentation of the different teams And their work Glorify our hard work
Review documentation Recording all reviews on video Conduct the technical part of the reviews
Motivation Visualize the workflow and process of the whole project Do some marketing Provide presentable material to the customer, he can use himself
We need YOUR help Good looking stuff like –Graphics –Screenshots –Diagramms Review organizing –Presentations –Scripts –As much information as your can give to support us
ARENA Build Team Overview
Services provided by the Build Team Build System Configuration Management Continuous Integration Automated Integration Testing
Build System Provides means to simplify the system building process Every user should be able to build the system from scratch Possible build systems: –Jakarta Ant –Gnu make IDEs: ProjectBuilder, JBuilder, Eclipse, Together, emacs, vi
Configuration Management System Manages changes in all source files of the system Available CMS: –CVS (Concurrent Version System) –Subversion (still in development) CVSweb
Continuous Integration Automated daily builds Benefit: find problems between modules faster Pre-requisite: well-tested units, interfaces conform to specification Suggestion: CVS Check-in only possible if unit tests pass
Integration Testing Test for problems Module testing is done by the development teams (JUnit) Integration Testing is done by the build team Integration builds: builds that have passed the integration test Build status should be available on web server