Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH R-ECFA Meeting, National Physics Library IFIN-HH, Magurele Romanian participation in WLCG M. Dulea Elementary Particles and Information Technology Dept. 'Horia Hulubei' National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Romanian participation in WLCG R-ECFA Meeting HEP and Grid computing in Romania National Grid infrastructure Romanian Tier-2 Federation RO-LCG Communications and computing infrastructure RO-LCG evolution Grid production Funding Current issues OVERVIEW
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting HEP AND GRID COMPUTING IN ROMANIA The Romanian Authority for Scientific Research has signed the WLCG MoU in March 2006, as Funding Agency of the Romanian Tier-2 Federation (RO- LCG). The evolution of the national Grid in Romania is strongly related to HEP community HISTORY 2002: first Grid appl. implemented in RO (ALICE, NIHAM, IFIN-HH) 2004: participation in EGEE and SEE-GRID 2005: EGEE certification of RO-02-NIPNE (ATLAS) 2006: EGEE certification of RO-07-NIPNE (ALICE, ATLAS, LHCb) EGEE certification of RO-11-NIPNE (LHCb) RO-LCG
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH NATIONAL GRID INFRASTRUCTURE Network infrastructure: RoEduNet; backbone + GEANT (10 Gbps) National Certification Authority: Romanian Grid CA, ROSA Certified resource centers: IFIN-HH, 5 Grid sites. ISS, Inst. for Space Sciences (2) UPB, Univ. 'Politehnica' Bucharest UVT, West Univ. Timisoara UTCN, Technical Univ. Cluj-Napoca ITIM, NIRD in Molecular & Isotopic Technologies - Cluj UAIC, Univ. Alex. Ioan Cuza - Iasi ICI, NIRD in Informatics, Bucharest RO-LCG Federation: Romanian participation to the WLCG collaboration (ALICE, ATLAS, LHCb) Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH ROMANIAN TIER-2 FEDERATION RO-LCG Objective: Coordination of the provision of the pledged hardware resources and the necessary manpower for computational simulation and analysis necessary in ALICE, ATLAS, LHCb, together with the realization of the minimal Tier-2 SLAs assumed in the MoU with CERN; MEMBERS: 5 institutions, 8+1 sites, > 3500 cores, > 1PetaByte IFIN-HH NIHAM ( ALICE / AliEn ) - DFH RO-02-NIPNE ( ATLAS, HONE ) - DPETI RO-07-NIPNE ( ALICE, ATLAS, LHCb, HONE ) - DPETI RO-11-NIPNE, RO-15-NIPNE ( LHCb ) - DPETI Institute for Space Sciences (ISS) ISS ( ALICE / AliEn ), RO-13-ISS - Sorin Zgura; "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University - Iasi (UAIC) RO-16-UAIC (ATLAS) - Octavian Rusu University “Politehnica” - Bucharest (UPB) RO-03-UPB, ( ALICE ) - Nicolae Tapus Natl. Inst.for Isotopic and Molecular Technology - Cluj( ITIM-Cluj) RO-14-ITIM ( ATLAS ) - Felix Farcas Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting
RO-LCG TOPOLOGY Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting
COMPUTING INFRASTRUCTURE Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH compact, modular structure; cooled water -> <- cold / hot aisles <- classical split system cooling Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting
CTI/DPETI Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting cores, 270 TB
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting EVOLUTION Between RO-LCG grid production has steadily increased - production expressed in kSI2k units - only the data published by EGI portal is represented MoU resource pledge
GRID PRODUCTION PER VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH WLCG (alice, atlas, lhcb):97,61% of national grid production HEP (WLCG+hone, ilc):98,10% of national grid production Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting NATIONAL PRODUCTION PER VO AND PER SITE
NUMBER OF LCG JOBS Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH With 1,36% of the total Tier-2 number of jobs, RO-LCG is ranking 14th in WLCG collaboration. Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting MONITORING/ACCOUNTING SERVICES job monitoring (queued/exec) on each VO job accounting (megaSI2k) on each VO data trensfer
FUNDING The RO-LCG Grid infrastructure was realized in the framework of various national projects from programmes of the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 1 & 2 (PNCDI1 & PNCDI2), financed by the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) More recently: Special structural funds call POS CCE for Grid and RoEduNet PN2/12EU -CONDEGRID & NUCLEUS Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH PartnerFTEsFunding 12EU 2011: ~ Euro IFIN8Applied for total 2011:~ Euro ISS2 UPB2 ITIM1,5 UAIC2 Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting
Mihnea Dulea, IFIN-HH Romanian participation in WLCG, R-ECFA Meeting CURRENT ISSUES 1. Relationship with NGI and availability monitoring Since November 2009, RO-LCG is not part of NGI_RO NGI gets funds from EGI-InSPIRE to monitor RO grid, including RO-LCG NGI_RO monitoring since March > results provided to EGI The reliability of NGI_RO monitoring is low -> reported availability is not correct -> availability reported to EGI is lower than SLA RO-LCG developed its own monitoring system (SAM tests, etc.) Avoid site suspension! Re-certifying extremely difficult. 2. Utility costs Electric power consumed monthly by one major grid site ~ Euro IFIN-HH applied to ANCS for the inclusion of Grid sites in the installations of national interest 3. Exhaustion of hosting space for equipment Applied for funds for extension with new building: 2007, 2008, Low reaction speed of NREN (RoEduNet) regarding P2P connectivity problems -> thousands of jobs lost (IFIN-ATLAS FR Cloud) 5. Finding qualified human resources