PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 The impact of Internationalisation on HE and Graduate Employment Margaret Dane AGCAS Chief Executive
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 A statistical overview of UK HE Total enrolments M enrolments in % up on Postgraduates up 7%, undergraduates up 3% First year full-time up 8%, part-time up 6% UK up 3%, EU up 5%, non-EU up 9% 57% of first degree graduates female
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 A statistical overview of UK HE Source HESA * Includes other categories Change Undergraduate % P/G research % P/G taught % Non-EU f-t & p-t99460 Total*633045* %
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Issues for Higher Education Expansion of international student numbers Competition across globe for internat. students Quality of offer to UK and overseas students Huge diversification of student population Internationalisation of higher education for all Integration of international students Fulfilling the recruitment promises Improvements in a climate of HE cutbacks
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Issues for Employers Impact of recession on graduate recruitment Understanding visa & immigration regulations Lack of clarity re above – case law Fear of breaking the rules / law Understanding the benefits of recruiting IS Meeting skills shortages Part-time jobs & placements
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Issues for International Students Choice of course, country & institution of study Expectations of student experience Expectations re work experience Skills development including language skills Added – value of UK degree Disadvantages of studying abroad Competition back home
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Issues for HE careers services Having the skills, knowledge & resources to help international students Understanding the UK & overseas labour markets for international students & graduates Helping shape & meet realistic expectations Encouraging earlier student engagement Leading on & helping integrate the employability agenda for all students
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Issues for all of us Lack of adequate data Harnessing global talent Government policies and priorities Integrating and valuing academic & work-based learning Improving academic / employer engagement Getting students engaged earlier Identifying and articulating shared needs & offers
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 PMI 2 Student Experience & Employability Projects Organised by AGCAS & NASES - focus on information, training, networking & resources Careers and employment staff Virtual Learning Environment Series of Staff Training Events Careers & Employment Staff Visit to China Online Web Community for Students International Morethanwork Website Student Induction and Orientation Package Student Mentoring Package
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 PMI 2 Student Experience & Employability Projects Organised by UKCISA Events for international student advisers Reports on CPD, quality standards, benchmarking Good practice guides, case studies & projects (several with careers services) Overseas Study Visit Scheme Resources for students Prepare for success – pre-arrival guide International student calculator – how to spend time and money effectively & efficiently
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 PMI 2 Student Experience & Employability Projects Careers & employment staff visit to India AGCAS events with AGR for employers on recruiting international students and graduates International Virtual Recruitment Fair Training for Careers & Employment Staff working with International Students Small institution based projects to develop eg. international alumni networks, overseas workplace contacts & case-studies i-Graduate country guides to 15 countries
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Context of economic downturn Growth in graduate vacancies year on year Actual decrease in vacancies in % Predicted decrease %, 2010 – 1.6% Vacancies 2010 – predicted trends * Oil + 50% Consulting +47%; Constr. +32%; Retail 31%; * Public Sector -7.5%; third sector - 49% Quite notable changes from 2009 Expected shortfall in filling vacancies in % Source AGR Winter Survey
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Lessons & Challenges Marketing messages v. tougher reality Employer expectations /perceptions in UK /abroad Expectations of international students & parents based on fees paid – feedback from ISB Importance of relevant work experience Employer attitudes, engagement & involvement Worldwide economic situation HE institutional budgets and priorities Staffing & resource implications
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Lessons & Challenges Shaping & meeting internat. students’ expectations Danger of over-promising and under-delivering Raising awareness of cultural & commercial issues Recognising diversity of international students Diversity / status of HE institutions across the UK Encouraging collaboration across the sector Encouraging students to start planning early Supporting staff to support students
PMI 2 Employer Event 8 March 2010 Key Success Factors Developing appropriate government policies Developing supportive institutional strategies Close collaboration with academic colleagues Getting employer engagement including SMEs Working through national and international professional networks to share good practice Recognising tensions between different needs and demands and trying to address these Thank you!