Where Are the Green Jobs? Youth Growing the Economy for a Healthy Planet Christina Nichols US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Division of Youth Services
Why the Push to Green? Climate Change Economic Recession Two Different Challenges
What’s up? Heat. Carbon. The Earth is getting hotter was the hottest year on record; the 14 hottest years occurred since out of 25 hottest years since Source:
What’s Up? Unemployment. Oct. ’ % Actual under/unemployment rate – 17.5%
Same Solution Green Jobs Broad Societal Shift to Conservation, Efficiency, and Renewable Energy Use Economic Transformation From Industrial/Consumptive to Sustainable/Stewardship In play: $4 Trillion in annual US infrastructure investments Behavior change is the most important component of a green economy
Unemployment: Disparate Impacts Current ratios: 6 workers for every job opening
Key Federal Trends Broad “Green Jobs” Industries Energy Efficiency oWeatherization, Smart Grid and Conservation Renewable Energy oWind, Solar, Hydro, Geo-Thermal and Bio-Mass Brownfields Recovery & Remediation Water -- Treatment, Conservation and Efficiency Activities Garbage/Solid Waste oReduce, Re-Use, Recycle oWaste-to-Energy Land Restoration; Habitat and Park Protection
Green Jobs Projections IndustryCurrently employed Stimulus workforce jobs (NEW) Projected to 2016 (Permanent) Notes Wind85,00030,000110,000 - direct 380,000 – dir. + indirect Based on climate goals of 20% wind by 2030 Solar39,000 (’07) 67,000 (’08 est.) 35,000246,000 PV and thermal; most recovery post 2010 Energy Efficiency8,586,000 (2007) ~ 1,300,00013,787,000 – moderate case Assumes 7% growth per year; 7 M new jobs Weatherization480,000~ 180,000 (installation) 150,000 (ongoing) Installation only; no mfr or indirect Smart GridNA280,000 – direct 140,000 (perm) Funded thru DOE Est. Green Jobs 9,218,0001,825,00014,703,000 No MFRing jobs in this #
Green job investments* Each $1 Million in this sector… … Creates this many jobs Transit/rail 22 Building retrofits 17 Biomass 17 Solar 14 Smart Grid 13 Wind 13 Coal 7 Oil and gas 5 *Source: Robert Pollin, et al, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Center for American Progress
Distribution of Employment Losses Among Persons Aged 25+, by Educational Attainment, December 2007 to December 2008
Green Jobs and Credentials Type of jobHighest Education level attained Average wage/hour Clean energy (jobs for $1 million invested) Fossil Fuels (jobs for $1 million invested) High-credentialed jobs (architect, manager) Bachelors degree or more $ Mid-credentialed jobs (Crew chief, tech) Some college$ Low-credentialed jobs (laborer, clerk) High school or less $ Low-credentialed jobs in fields with potential for earnings growth (utilities, mfr, construction) High school or less $ Source: Pollin et al, University of Massachusetts Amherst
ETA Resources and Information:
ETA Resources and Information (continued) Resource Websites and Customer Support ohttp:// owww.doleta.govwww.doleta.gov owww.workforce3one.orgwww.workforce3one.org owww.careervoyages.govwww.careervoyages.gov owww.servicelocator.orgwww.servicelocator.org o1-877 ‑ US2-JOBS (TTY: )
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