20 September 2004 C R4 0 Proposed Process for TSG-C Work Items Source Alberto Gutierrez Motorola
20 September 2004 C R4 1 What is the Problem Inconsistencies between the Work Planning approach used by TSG-C and the approach followed by the rest of 3GPP2 (C ) The primary area of concern is that major areas of technical development within TSG-C are not adequately identified and tracked on the TSG-C Workplan (C ) Better transparency of TSG-C WIs is needed in order to effectively identify cross WG or TSG impacts and alignment
20 September 2004 C R4 2 Concerns with C According to C , all work items are submitted to plenary. “Technical contributions directed toward a particular Work Item will first be submitted to the plenary for consideration” –Concern: This requirement is not a solution to the stated problem. The requirement is likely to cause a large increase in plenary meeting time and detract from WG/SWG technical work The proposal C suggests the concept of Study Item. –Concern: While this concept in principle exists in some standards organizations, it is not defined in 3GPP2
20 September 2004 C R4 3 TSG-C inherits air interface aspects from 3GPP2 Work Items For TSG-C Only Work Items, the following process shall apply –A Work Item is defined by the 3GPP2 WPD Article 38 (WPDWorkingProceduresr10_040315). Every Technical Specification or Technical Report developed by the TSG shall be associated with at least one Work Item. –Proposals for new Work Items shall be submitted to the TSG-C Plenary using the 3GPP2 Work Item template (S.R1003 – Work Item, Stage 1 and System Requirements Process Guidelines) –Work Items shall require the sponsorship of at least three member companies (Article 39 of WPD). –TSG-C shall approve Work Items according to the TSG’s Decision Making procedures (WPD Article 25). –At the time of introduction to TSG-C Plenary the Work Item shall be entered into the TSG-C Work Plan as a proposed WI –The Procedure for Work Item adoption by the SC shall follow the rules in the WPD (Article 40). –Technical work can begin prior to TSG-C approval of a WI and Technical Specifications and Technical Reports can be base-lined and R&F can be completed. V&V shall not commence on a Technical Specification or Technical Report before WI approval. –TSG-C shall inform other TSGs and the SC of approved Work Items immediately after approval –Upon completion of the WI output, the WI should be closed. Closing a Work Item shall be consistent with WPD Article 41, “Work Item Stopping.” Proposed WI Process
20 September 2004 C R4 4 Contributions to the corresponding WG/SWG may be submitted against existing TSG- C WI’s (Work Items in the TSG-C workplan) If WG/SWG members believe that a technical contribution does not apply to an existing TSG-C Work Item then the contribution can be modified to correspond to an existing WI or a new WI can be proposed. Note, contributions not associated with an existing WI can be submitted to the WG for discussion and creation of a WI if needed. The technical WG/SWG contribution logs show the WI(s) associated with each contribution WG chair written reports to the plenary shall include a reference to WG/SWG logs. Proposed Contribution Flow
20 September 2004 C R4 5 About Study Items Recently, the concept of study items has been proposed for work not associated with an approved WI Since the concept of a study item is not defined in 3GPP2, then we recommend that all work be defined within the context of a WI
20 September 2004 C R4 6 Recommendation The process recommended on slides 3 (“Proposed WI Process”) & 4 (“Proposed Contribution Flow”) should be adopted by TSG-C Subsequent to adoption, the process should be transcribed into a TSG-C WI working procedures document