The Best Prepared Wins Tips For Better Presentations
Agenda Presentation Fundamentals Structure Presenting Skills Preparation!!! Questions
Presentation Fundamentals
Less is more. Focus on your key points Images are better than text 75% 80% 90% 95% of the time Use examples and stories are far better than reciting facts Be friendly, interesting or funny
> Less Is More – Bad example 1 Don’t Do This – This is the first point in my slide. I have a lot to say, so it’s necessary that I reduce the font size so that I can get it all to fit on the slide. It’s not particularly important to me that (a) you can hardly read it, and (b) even if you could, there’s so much here that you’ll fall asleep by the time you get through 10% of it because, well, it’s mind-numbingly boring – This is my second point. I know you were worried that I’d just have a single point on this slide, to define a single concept, but that would be foolish on your part. – This is my third point. Someone once said that more is better, that you understand better if you read things rather than hear them, so I’m counting heavily on that piece of advice. Any finally my fourth and final point, unless I can possibly think of something else to add for a fifth point. – Wait, I thought of something else. If four points on a slide with around 500 words is good, then surely a fifth point pushing the word count to 600 words or more should be better, right? – Can I possibly fit a little more text on this slide. Why yes, I think I can. I really hope they read fast so that they can get to this point and fully absorb it before I flip to the next slide. This is the most important information in the presentation, would hate for anyone to miss it. – It’s my objective to get as much information on this slide as humanly possible, because I think you’re going to not only read every word but also that you’ll have a photographic memory and remember every bit of minutia and trivial point on the slide. At least that’s my fervent hope. – You understand that it’s only that I want to be sure you’re well informed and that you get as much out of this presentation as humanly possible, even though … well, to absorb this much information quickly is not humanly possible. – If I could possibly think of anything else I want you to know, I'd put it here. If you’re still reading, you’re a presentation ninja warrior, that’s for sure. – OK, I’m officially out of anything else useful to share. But I love bullet points.
Less Is More – Bad example 2 Or this…
Charts are Great
Pictures are Great-er Annual rainfall is 37% below normal, a drought has been declared.
Less Is More – Best Practice One concept per slide Images are better than text Maximum 5-6 points per slide Prefer 30pt font size Brief, concise statements
The Opening The Body The Conclusion That’s it…
Opening: Grab Their Attention
The Opening Grab their attention! – Something surprising, funny, shocking, interactive, etc. Tell them what you are going to tell them Keep the opening fairly brief
The Body This is the “tell them” section Get right into your information Stories or examples are better than citing facts and statistics Help them follow along, i.e. “And the 3 rd reason Dallas isn’t in the playoffs this year is….”
The Conclusion Remind them what you told them If possible, plan some kind of strong closing, something to leave a positive impression If appropriate, have a call to action. What are they supposed to do now?
Presenting Skills
Presentation Skills Suggestions for nerves Be yourself Eye contact Smile, be friendly Don’t apologize (generally)
Create your presentation, handouts or other materials early Solicit input/opinions from colleagues on your presentation Practice, practice, practice!
Summary Fundamentals Less is More; Use images where possible Structure Opening, Body, Conclusion Presentation Be yourself; Make eye contact; Smile Preparation Start early; Practice, practice, practice!
Now, any questions…
Contact Info: Mike Weibel Cell: Dallas Toastmasters – Big “D”