FIRST, SOME CONTEXT At this point in Catholic history, the mid 300s, the Church was still not a unified body. The Roman Empire was split between East and West, with two emperors ruling over each division. Arianism was still alive and well, and there were Arian Bishops and Emperors as well. Thousands of men and women were heading to the desert and wilderness to enter the monastic life. Barbarians were still invading and even kidnapping and holding Christians ransom.
ENTER AMBROSE OF MILAN Ambrose’s rise to prominence and power in the Catholic Church happened essentially by accident. As the governor of Milan, he led his military guard out to put down a growing mob who were protesting the fact that the Emperor had appointed an Arian as their Bishop. He was successfully able to calm the crowd, and in doing so the crowd elected him as bishop, even though he wasn’t a Christian. He tried to talk them out of it, even going into hiding, but it didn’t work. He gave in and became baptized, confirmed, given communion and ordained a bishop all at once!
A STRONG, DEDICATED LEADER Since he had no real Christian background or knowledge, he read and studied everything that the could about Christianity. He even wrote several very important books on theology, some of which are still read even today. He put the members of his Church first, even going so far as to sell the gold and jewels that were given to the Church in order to ransom people held captive by the Barbarians, or to help those who suffered because of famines.
AMBROSE’S LASTING IMPACT The major lasting impact of Ambrose was his commitment and dedication to the practice of “right belief,” meaning developing a strong theological tradition for the Church. On more than one occasion, he stood up to Arian Emperors, especially when he was commanded to turn over one of his churches in Milan to the Arians. His belief: “The emperor is in the Church, not over the Church; and far from refusing the Church’s help, a good emperor seeks it.”
FIGHTING THE LAW... & WINNING Ambrose even refused to give communion to Emperor Theodosius after the Emperor had several thousand people killed to avenge a murder. It was only after the Emperor completed several weeks of public penance did Ambrose finally give him communion at Christmas Mass, 390 A.D. In standing by his convictions and not compromising his beliefs, Ambrose demonstrated the newfound power of the Catholic Church – a Church where even Emperors had to follow the will of the bishops and of the Pope.