Problems with the Catholic Church Worldliness of the popes Priests and monks were poorly educated Some priests had wives and children People expected higher standards of conduct and learning from the clergy “…the luxury and pomp of our court is too great…” –Pope Pius II 1464
SAVONAROLA 1490…called for reform in Florence 1494…helped overthrow the Medici ruled Florence “bonfire of the vanities” 1497
INDULGENCES “…when the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory springs…” Johan Tetzel
October 31, 1517 The 95 Theses Formal statements attacking the “pardon merchants’ Began the REFORMATION
Luther’s Ideas 1. salvation by faith alone 2. the Bible is the only authority in Christian life 3. priesthood of all believers
THE CONSEQUENCES… Luther was excommunicated by Leo X in 1520 Summoned by Holy Roman Emperor Charles Diet of Worms declared Luther an outlaw and a heretic
HENRY VIII King given title “defender of the faith” in 1519 by Pope Leo X after his defense of the 7 sacraments
THE MARRIAGE OF HENRY VIII AND CATHERINE OF ARAGON 1509: married by special dispensation –Canon law and biblical prohibitions 1527: only one surviving child, Mary Henry’s concern over political consequences of leaving a woman in charge…need for a male heir
The lady anne…1527
Le Divorce 1527: Henry fell for Anne Boleyn Needed an annulment Catherine’s nephew was Charles V, HRE Cardinal Wolsey failed to secure annulment…he was fired in 1529 Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell became Henry’s closest advisors…let’s declare the king supreme in English spiritual affairs….
The Reformation Parliament Passed legislation that reined in the clergy Established precedent that the monarch must consult/work with Parliament when making religious changes January 1531: Henry recognized as head of the church in England 1532: Submission of the clergy
THE ACT OF SUCCESSION 1534 Made the children of Anne and Henry legitimate heirs to the English throne
THE ACT OF SUPREMACY 1534 Declared Henry “the only supreme head in earth of the Church of England.”
THE ANGLICAN CHURCH UNDER HENRY Conservative Enforced celibacy, transubstantiation (bread and wine into body and blood), confession, and denied the cup to the laity under the Six Articles of 1539 Only mild concessions to Protestant ideas… Great Bible(1539) mandated in every parish in English
THE WIVES OF HENRY VIII Catherine– Divorced/ annulled Anne Boleyn--Beheaded Jane Seymour-- Died from child-birth to Henry’s only son Anne of Cleves– Divorced/ annulled Kathryn Howard– Beheaded Katherine Parr outlived Henry
Calvinism Predestination Predestination The elect The elect 1541– set up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland 1541– set up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland 5 Pastors 5 Pastors Teachers to instruct populace Teachers to instruct populace 12 elders to “oversee the life of everyone” 12 elders to “oversee the life of everyone” Deacons for church services to sick and elderly Deacons for church services to sick and elderly This was against Luther who preached obedience to earthly rulers. This was against Luther who preached obedience to earthly rulers.
Calvinist Beliefs Predestination Predestination If you are an “Elect” you will behave that way If you are an “Elect” you will behave that way Morality within Geneva is MOST important Morality within Geneva is MOST important Geneva became a home for refugees from other parts of Europe (1/3 of pop. Refugees) Geneva became a home for refugees from other parts of Europe (1/3 of pop. Refugees) “Woman’s Paradise”, men punished for beating wives “Woman’s Paradise”, men punished for beating wives
Peace of Augsburg Emperor Charles had been focused on Spain, military, and non-Empirical issues Emperor Charles had been focused on Spain, military, and non-Empirical issues 1552 lost to Protestant Armies 1552 lost to Protestant Armies Gave religious freedoms and made division of Christendom permanent Gave religious freedoms and made division of Christendom permanent Did not apply to Calvanists who led revolutions throughout 2 nd half of 16 th c. Did not apply to Calvanists who led revolutions throughout 2 nd half of 16 th c.
The Catholic or Counter- Reformation Ignatius started the monastic order of the Jesuits Ignatius started the monastic order of the Jesuits Jesuits who emphasized absolute discipline had 3 goals: Jesuits who emphasized absolute discipline had 3 goals: Set up the best schools Set up the best schools Convert non-Christians to Catholicism Convert non-Christians to Catholicism Prevent spread of Protestantism Prevent spread of Protestantism Ignatius and the Jesuits were the conscience of the reforming Popes Ignatius and the Jesuits were the conscience of the reforming Popes
Reforming Popes Pope Paul III Pope Paul III Investigated abuses such as simony & indulgences Investigated abuses such as simony & indulgences Called Council of Trent: Called Council of Trent: Pope’s interpretation of Bible is final Pope’s interpretation of Bible is final Saved by both Faith and Good Works (not Faith alone) Saved by both Faith and Good Works (not Faith alone) Pope Paul IV Pope Paul IV Index of Forbidden Books were to be burned Index of Forbidden Books were to be burned