Spelling Words Double the consonant when: -the word ends in a consonant with only one vowel in front of it, and the suffix begins with a vowel AND -word has only one syllable, or the accent is on the final syllable clap + ing = clapping win + er = winner permit + ed = permitted refer + al = referral *These are only examples! The test will be on words that may/may not fit the rule!
Formidable Definition: causing fear, apprehension, or dread; great strength or powerful Example: The formidable crew worked through the night in order to open the freeway for morning commuters.
Inference Definition: act of reasoning from evidence or facts Example: I can infer that many students will be graduating and moving onto high school this year.
Mutation Definition: the act or process of changing Example: The flu virus mutated, therefore the flu shot did not work effectively this year.
Quota Definition: a prescribed number; an allotment; proportional share Example: Every month police officers have ticket quotas to fill.
Renaissance Definition: rebirth, revival, renewal of life; transition period from medieval times to modern times (14th century to 17th century) Example: The Renaissance was a period in history that produced well known artwork.
Suffrage Definition: the right to vote, especially in a political election Example: Women’s suffrage occurred during the 20th century.
Tempo Definition: a characteristic rate, rhythm, or pattern of work or activity Example: The music tempo was something the beginner guitarist could not keep up with.
Virtuoso Definition: a person who has special knowledge or skill in a field, especially in the arts Example: Beethoven was a virtuoso during his time.
Aspire Definition: to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high value Example: Many people aspire to be better than their parents.
Boycott Definition: to abstain from buying or using Example: Many students think it would be fun to boycott school.
Spelling Test (1). remember + ing (2). trap + ed (3). admit + ed (4) Spelling Test (1) remember + ing (2) trap + ed (3) admit + ed (4) shop + ing (5) hear + ing Vocabulary Test 1. formidable 2. inference 3. mutation 4. quota 5. Renaissance 6. suffrage 7. tempo 8. virtuoso 9. aspire 10. boycott