St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Pupil Voice November 2014
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Let us begin by saying together Let everything we do and say this day be: In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College As we GATHER we’d like to open with our School Council Prayer Please bow your heads...
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Dear God Help us all… - to make the school a better place - to keep God’s Word and example during every day and every week - to make the days enjoyable for the teachers and helpers but most of all for the pupils. Help us all to work as a family in all we do. AMEN
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Now we are going to LISTEN... On Monday 17 th September, we had our second meeting of the year here in the Drama Theatre Your representatives at this meeting were: Year 8 Sam Whitehead, Andrew Dixon and Ellie Scotland Year 9 Jamie Harris and Oscar Pimlett Year 10 Alex Cookson, Grace Croughan, Luke Drummond and Rachel Sheridan-Warburton Year 11 Rowena Machin and Callum Talbot Staff Miss O’Connor, Mrs. McSorley and Mrs. Gildea Apologies Catherine Watson, Conor Austin and Nathan Heaton A fantastic team!
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College At each meeting, we aim to represent all of the very important action teams in school. At this particular meeting, we had representatives from the Sports Council, CARAT and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. This is our way of discussing all of the amazing work going on around school and how we can continue to make St. Gregory’s a great place. And to get as many of you involved as possible!
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Agenda Welcome and opening prayer Pupil Voice at St. Gregory’s Good Luck/Best Wishes Board CARAT Competition Suggestions Box AOB
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Pupil Voice in school Specialist Humanities College SCHOOL COUNCIL Competitions And Rewards (CARAT) Action Team 5 pupils Sports Council 15 pupils Equality Action Team 30 pupils Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 67 pupils Learning And Teaching Pupil Review Team 12 pupils (on rotation) 24 pupils this academic year Paired Maths Mentors 13 pupils Paired Reading Mentors 22 pupils KS4 Visit to the Houses of Parliament Action Team 35 pupils Young Leaders 56 pupils Mental Health Action Team 4 pupils SEAL Action Team 4 pupil representatives at half-termly SEAL meetings PEACE COUNCIL Year 7, 8 and 9 Representatives 12 pupils per year group
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College To get involved in any of our teams, please speak to any member of staff or maybe 1 of the 20% of pupils already involved. Being part of making St. Gregory’s great, is really rewarding. You get the chance to make a difference to the things that matter to you in school. With all of these teams working on different projects there is a place for everyone.
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College At our meeting, we discussed how important it is to keep these teams active. Jamie Harris spoke about how the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors hold their meetings each Thursday morning before school. We agreed that this might be a good idea for all of the action teams, because: a)It ensures that teams remain committed to their objective; b)Pupils who would like to get involved know that they can come along any Thursday morning; WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS… POP A SUGGESTION IN ONE OF THE BOXES!
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Specialist Humanities College Good Luck And Best Wishes A board has now been put up opposite the entrance to the canteen to say ‘Good Luck’ and ‘Best Wishes’ to our pupils and staff as they embark on important events. As a team we suggested a few ideas as to what could go on there: Y11 Mock Exams Y10 Poland Trip Performing Arts Evening Please place any further suggestions straight into the Suggestion Box! SEAL it with Respect
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Specialist Humanities College Now onto our competition winners… The CARAT (Competitions and Rewards Action Team) held a Competition in which you had the opportunity to design a logo for them. They received a large number of entries. 3 rd Prize: £5 worth of gift vouchers 2 nd Prize: £5 worth of gift vouchers 1 st Prize: £20 worth of gift vouchers and your design will be used as the official CARAT logo!!! SEAL it with Respect
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Specialist Humanities College 2ND Prize: DONA JOSH 8PLESSINGTON 3rd Prize: MEGAN HIGHAM 7MORE SEAL it with Respect
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Specialist Humanities College 1 ST Prize: ANNA MCCUE 7 FISHER SEAL it with Respect
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Specialist Humanities College The Suggestion Box We received a request from two pupils in Y10 for a shelter for the bike racks. We all agreed that this would be a very good idea but as you can imagine it would cost a substantial amount of money. We are going to draft a proposal to the Parents and Friends Association to find out if they would like to offer a sponsorship for this good cause. We will keep you updated. SEAL it with Respect
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Now that you have LISTENED to us it may be that you want to check something so Mrs Mason has kindly put a copy of this Collective Worship PowerPoint on to the school website
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Which leads us on nicely, as always, to your RESPONSE to our assembly... Take time to reflect on the messages we have passed on to you and put your ideas in the suggestion box...
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Thanks to Grace Croughan and Ellie Scotland.... who will be delivering them all this week
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College As we get ready to LEAVE Let us end by saying together Let everything we do and say this day be: In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College And finally... Thank you for listening to us