Welcome to Ms. Brown’s Class
About Ms. Brown Born in Kennesaw, Georgia 9 th year of teaching 2 nd year at East Side
Report Cards Student progress will be reported with measures: 3 (consistently meeting standards), 2 (progressing toward meeting the standard), 1(minimum progress toward meeting standard), 3+ (makes applications and inferences beyond expectations in a self-directed fashion) It is the expectation students will be progressing towards the standard. Summative and formative assessments –I will send home summative assessments as they are completed. –I will let you know how your child is doing through weekly progress reports. (Green Progress Reports will be sent home every Monday).
Reading Reading Workshop –Mini Lesson –Private Reading –Partner Reading (Book Buddy Talk) –Share Time –Individual Conferences –Strategy Groups –Reading Goals Read at home at least 20 minutes a night.
Writing Writer’s Workshop –Mini Lesson –Independent writing –Writing conferences –Author’s Chair
Spelling Spelling tests will be given on Fridays. The test will include rule follower words and words that don’t follow a rule. (e.g. stick or what) I will send home the list of words that do not follow a rule. These are words that must be memorized. I will not send home a spelling list of words that follow a rule. The rule will be introduced on Mondays and will be worked on throughout the week in class. Spelling rules and sample words will be sent home on Mondays.
Spelling Continued… -ck Spelling Rule The “K” rule says, -ck is used after one short vowel at the end of one syllable words to spell “k.” This means, one syllable words that contain a short vowel and the “k” sound at the end will have a –ck to make the “k” sound. If there is not a SHORT vowel sound, then it is not –ck. Examples of when to use -ck: ă sack, pack ĕ deck, fleck ĭ sick, click ŏ sock, lock ŭ duck, luck Examples of when NOT to use –ck because the “k” sound is not directly followed by a short vowel.: stark, bark, milk
Mathematics Mini-Lesson Independent work Greg Tang Hands-On Learning Number Talks –Promotes problem solving and critical thinking “Would that work every time?” “Show me another way to solve the problem.”
Social Studies, Science, Health Emphasis on STEM in the classroom Hands-on projects Social Studies –State of Georgia, Native Americans, Government, and Historical Figures from Georgia Science –Matter, Light, Heat, Motion, Energy, Astronomy, Life Cycles Health –Little D and Royal Food Family, Medicine Safety
Homework 20 minutes of reading each night (at minimum). Practice addition and subtraction math facts. Practice Packet (Attached to Weekly Newsletter) –Word Study –Math review –Grammar –Please sign and return on Friday!
Our Class Expectations: Be Positive Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Problem Solvers Star Reward Cards Sensational Surfer (Student Selected) Classroom Compliment Surfboard Classroom Behavior Plan and Behavior Expectations
Birthdays OPTIONAL: small treat for 25 (Everything should be peanut-free. Check all ingredients!) Drop off treats in the morning with your child or leave in the front office. (Treats during Snack Time). If your child has a summer birthday, we can celebrate in May. Please no birthday invitations at school unless there is one for every child in the class.
Attendance and Transportation When a student is absent, a parent must send in a written note the following day. It cannot be over the phone or ed. Changes in transportation? Please send in a note. All changes during the school day must go through the office. If your child is riding a different bus home, please fill out a Bus Pass and send it to school.
Parent Participation Introduce our New Room Reps: Julie Hernandez, Stacey Owens, and Jill Perez Mystery Reader: A parent, grandparent, sibling, etc. may come and read to our class! Bring a book with you to read and wait outside of the classroom for us! Weekly Helper: Your jobs could include: copying, hanging student work in the hall, cutting things out, and having lunch with super cute second graders! Science Lab Math Lab Field Trips Sign-up on our Class Shutterfly!
Communication The best way to reach me is by . My is Weekly Newsletters Weekly Progress Reports come home on Monday Monthly Calendar for specials and events. Newsflashes for reminders Sign-up for Newsflash
Help Your Students at Home Read every night. Write at home often. Practice addition and subtraction math facts until they are memorized. Even then, keep practicing! Have an appropriate bedtime. Instill responsibility. Please look in their daily folder each night. Stay in communication with me as needed!
A few odds and ends… Class t-shirts- Students will wear them on field trips (unless we are dressing up) and big events at school. Reading Bags Money- When sending in money, please put in an envelope (ASP, lunch money, field trips, etc.).
Let’s stick together for a successful school year! I look forward to an exciting and prosperous year of learning! Please use the sticky note on your child’s desk to leave your child a happy message! Thank you for coming to Open House! QUESTIONS??