Nature Physics
AIM and SCOPE Nature Physics, to be launched in October 2005, will cover the entire spectrum of physics. Uniquely, it will offer news and reviews alongside top-quality research papers in a monthly publication, in hard copy and online. Nature Physics will take a balanced approach to fundamental and applied physics. The journal will reflect core physics disciplines, but will also be open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics. Theoretical physics, particularly where it is pertinent to experiment, will also feature. Nature Physics
Nature Physics- Launching in October 2005 Offer a unique mix of news and reviews alongside top-quality research papers. Published monthly, in print and online. Entire spectrum of physics, pure and applied. – Balance Approach and the topics includes: quantum physics atomic and molecular physics statistical physics, thermodynamics and nonlinear dynamics condensed-matter physics fluid dynamics optical physics chemical physics information theory and computation electronics, photonics and device physics nanotechnology nuclear physics plasma physics high-energy particle physics astrophysics and cosmology biophysics geophysics
Nature Physics Nature Physics-Aim & Readership To keep readers abreast of latest development All physicist in academic or industry Readership: Academic departments: Physics, Astronomy & Engineering/Technology, Maths, Computer Science and Biophysics & Bioengineering Government Research Laboratories Industry Sectors: Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Engery & Environment, Electronics/Electrical/Semi- condutors and Telecoms
Letter - reports an important novel research study - limited to 1500 words/3-5 display item/References are limited to 30 Articles - substantial novel research study of high quality and general interest to the physics community words/4-6 display items/References are limited to 50 Review - an authoritative, balanced survey of recent development in a research field.Written with a view to informing non-specialist readers words/4-6 display items/References are limited to 100 Progress – not yet be mature enough for review/2000 words/up to 4 display items/Reference limited to 50 News and Views – latest advances in physics, as reported in recently published papers in Nature Physics or elsewhere or at scientific meetings. Correspondence - a forum for comment on papers published in a previous issue of the journal or to discuss issues relevant to Physics/ words Commentary – articles focus on policy, science and society or purely scientific issues related to Physics. Nature Physics-Content