Leading Teachers A joint training package from the National Academy for Gifted & Talented Youth and the National Strategies
The Vision That every school has access to a professional, equipped and ready to lead on all issues concerning Gifted and Talented Learners
An overview The training is not intended to train G&T teachers but rather to train Leading G&T teachers. All secondary schools and groups of about 5 primary schools will be advised to appoint and train a leading teacher for the Gifted and Talented. The advice will be that this Leading Teacher must have a direct communication route to the Leadership Team in their school or schools.
The role of the Leading Teacher The leading teacher will: act as an advocate for the needs of Gifted and Talented pupils, ensure that the gifted and talented receive appropriate recognition, support and challenge, exemplify effective practice for gifted and talented pupils in their own professional practice, provide coaching/peer mentor support for colleagues, initiate strategies which support the professional development of colleagues to improve schools’ capacity to personalise learning for G&T pupils.
Therefore the Leading Teacher will work with: School leadership teams Subject leaders and coordinators Individual teachers Teaching assistants Gifted and Talented students Governors *
Time frame LAs should be alerting their schools to appoint a Leading Teacher for Gifted and Talented Pupils as soon as possible. Training will be rolled out starting Summer 2007 LAs offer training from September 2007
Training the Leading Teacher There are three intertwining aspects to the role: –the strategic vision to improve the day to day education of gifted and talented pupils and the skills to make the vision a reality –a secure background knowledge of the issues pertaining to gifted and talented pupils –the pedagogic know-how For such a wide ranging role the training cannot be a one-off event
Training the leading teacher The training offered will comprise Face to face training sessions delivered locally and e-modules available on the National Strategies Web-site
The two parts of the training: will work together to provide the background knowledge and the leadership and pedagogic skills that are required by a Leading Teacher for Gifted and Talented students.
Face to face training –9 sessions of which 4 are Core and 5 Optional. –Basic training – 2 half-day sessions using core sessions including action planning using IQS –Optional training – further sessions allowing flexibility to meet particular needs and contexts
Pre-course Task Prior to attending training the Leading Teachers will be asked to work through the IQS Nutshell from the NAGTY website.
The face to face training sessions Draft titles Core Day 1 sessionsOptional sessions 1.The role of the Leading Teacher 5.Open session to address context dependent issues 2. Provision and action planning 6.Making the links with other training and resources Core Day 2 sessions 7.Identification of groups where identification and /or provision may be difficult 3. Taking the Lead 8.Working across schools and/or departments 4. Enabling change 9.Coaching and mentoring
Face to face training The National Strategies will offer sessions to ‘train the trainers’. The trainers will be suitable people from the LA not necessarily National Strategy Consultants. LAs will offer training to their leading teachers as they feel best suits their context. LAs will be encouraged to use existing expertise and to use the Regional Partnerships to facilitate Leading Teacher training. All funding will come from existing personalising learning budgets.
The e-modules Will be available to all comers on the Standards Website Will consist of core and additional e-modules Leading Teachers will be required to access the core modules as part of their training The e-modules are intended to be a flexible resource that provides background knowledge and skills for leading teachers at a time when they can access it.
The 3 core e-modules 1.Teaching and Learning – planning for challenge, extending the repertoire, AfL & G&T, progression, Involving pupils in the learning process, etc. 2.Identification – what do we mean by ability, talent etc., identification through provision, creating and maintaining a register, etc. 3.Taking the Lead on G&T Issues – what it means to lead, working with others, enabling change, using data, etc.
The 18 additional e-modules Primary pathways – foundation stage, KS1 & 2 Accessing and extending knowledge Career developments MentoringCurriculum Pathways Providing opportunities beyond the classroom How to lead an InsetGoing further with coaching Transfer and transitionCore subjects- English Subject specific - Humanities G&T pupils with particular needs MathsPerforming Arts Engaging with the community – families and beyond ScienceMFL
The e-modules Will be interactive and will recognise the huge breadth and depth of experience of the audience Although the core e-modules will be longer; the modules will be as concise as possible whilst covering the material adequately *
All Leading Teacher training will: have clear expectations that there will be an impact on pupil achievement. be designed to equip a leading teacher to support consistently good provision for the gifted and talented across schools and phases.
In summary Face to face sessions will: Give an overview of the expectations of the role. Begin to develop the knowledge and skills that leading teachers require. Demand liaison with other teachers and the leadership team in school. Require action planning that fits with IQS & school improvement plans. Offer teachers time to discuss and possibly develop networks with one another. The e-modules will: Provide the background knowledge essential to the role. Encourage experimentation, reflection and collaboration in order to develop deep knowledge in leading teachers. Provide flexible training that can be used by teachers other than the leading teacher Be available as and when the leading teacher sees the need for knowledge and/or skills. Be readily developed further and kept up to date.