ROUTINES Be lined up in ABC order and ready to go at 8:25 Wait quietly in the hallway for teacher Hang up backpack and take agenda book and homework folder into class Be sure you have two pencils daily Begin bell work
Homework Assigned daily/due daily Place on desk every morning Not here – in for five minutes at recess Write reminder note in Agenda Book
CLASS SCHEDULE Morning Routine Attendance Attendance Flag Salute Flag Salute Song Song Bell Work Bell Work Reading/Language Recess Math Lunch Accelerated Reader PE/Art/Science Writing Cleanup/Dismissal
CLASSROOM RULES Listen When the Teacher is Talking Raise Your Hand to Speak Follow Directions Quickly Respect Yourself, Your School, and Others Be Safe and Heart Healthy Character Counts
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES LESSON INSTRUCTION Listen to the teacher Listen to the teacher Follow directions carefully Follow directions carefully Ask appropriate questions Ask appropriate questions Remain quiet Remain quiet NO PENCIL SHARPENING NO PENCIL SHARPENING REMAIN SEATED REMAIN SEATED
LESSON ACTIVITY Follow directions given Follow directions given Begin work quickly Begin work quickly Remain on task Remain on task Speak in whispers Speak in whispers Follow directions for handing in work Follow directions for handing in work
Accelerated Reader Choose a book on your reading level Record story title on the sheet Read silently Sign up to take a test Test only when it’s your turn Notify next student on list quietly Did you pass? Get your sticker! No loitering Have a book ready to read every day
AWARDS GOLDEN SHARK 30 Points SHARK 21 Points DOLPHIN 14 Points SEAHORSE 7 Points Minnows 0 to 6 Points
RECESS Be sure all work assignments are handed in If your work is finished you have recess The TEACHER dismisses you NOT the bell Walk quietly outside after you are dismissed If work is not in… Stay in for five minutes to make a note in your agenda book
Teacher Read-Aloud Listen while story is being read Remain seated Raise your hand to answer questions Never yell out Enjoy!!!
Agenda Book Write down assignments daily If no homework write “No Homework” Get it signed daily One minute early table dismissal if entire table is signed
TRAVELING Hallways and Byways Straight line Straight line Hands are down by your side Hands are down by your side Feet are quiet Feet are quiet No talking necessary No talking necessary Stay together Stay together Listen to and follow directions Listen to and follow directions
Cafeteria Lunch Procedure Line up in area at bell Line up in area at bell Buyers line up numerically Buyers line up numerically Wait for yard supervisor Wait for yard supervisor Sit at third grade table Sit at third grade table Clean up after yourself Clean up after yourself Wait for dismissal Wait for dismissal Be COURTEOUS Be COURTEOUS We sit at Table 11
Class Jobs Frequent Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Table Captain Table Captain Flag Salute/Song Flag Salute/Song Calendar (2) Calendar (2) White Boards White Boards Erasers Erasers Markers Markers Lab Lab Pencil Sharpener Pencil Sharpener Library Computers on and off Duster Backpack Checker Clothing checker Chair Checker Infrequent Refiller (stapler/Tape) Office Runner Absent Folder
Classroom Dismissal Put away personal items Return all toolkit items to box Hand in work as directed Check Homework!!! Job Squad Wait quietly to be dismissed Leave through the courtyard NOT the hall You are dismissed by the TEACHER not the bell.
Keeping Our Classroom Clean Clear off desk Pick up trash on floor Dust countertops Empty Pencil Sharpener Clean whiteboards Straighten bins Straighten books Straighten paper bins Do your job JOB SQUAD
ASSEMBLIES Line up tall line/short line Walk quietly to the cafeteria Stay in a straight line Sit on your bottom Be polite and courteous No bathroom or drink dismissal
FIRE DRILL Face Forward Always Listen to the Principal Hands and feet still Return to class Exit room quickly Exit room quickly Proceed to safe area Proceed to safe area Say “Here” when your name is called Say “Here” when your name is called NO TALKING !!!!
BE RESPONSIBLE Be Trustworthy. If somebody trusts you to borrow or take care of something, take care of it. If somebody trusts you to borrow or take care of something, take care of it. If somebody tells you something in confidence, keep it to yourself. If somebody tells you something in confidence, keep it to yourself. It's important for people to know they can count on you. It's important for people to know they can count on you. Always use your head. Think things through and use good judgment. When you use your head you make better choices. That shows your parents they can trust you. Think things through and use good judgment. When you use your head you make better choices. That shows your parents they can trust you. Don't put things off. When you have a job to do, do it. When you have a job to do, do it. Doing things on time helps you take control of your life and shows that you can manage your own affairs Doing things on time helps you take control of your life and shows that you can manage your own affairs
BE RESPONSIBLE When you agree to do something, do it. If you let people down, they'll stop believing you. If you let people down, they'll stop believing you. When you follow through on your commitments, people take you seriously. When you follow through on your commitments, people take you seriously. Answer for your own actions. Don't make excuses or blame others for what you do. When you take responsibility for your actions you are saying "I am the one who's in charge of my life.“ Don't make excuses or blame others for what you do. When you take responsibility for your actions you are saying "I am the one who's in charge of my life.“ Take care of your own matters. Don't rely on adults to remind you when you're supposed to be somewhere or what you're supposed to bring. You take the responsibility. Don't rely on adults to remind you when you're supposed to be somewhere or what you're supposed to bring. You take the responsibility.
A COOPERATIVE PERSON LISTEN carefully to others and be sure you understand what they are saying. LISTEN carefully to others and be sure you understand what they are saying. SHARE when you have something that others would like to have. TAKE TURNS when there is something that nobody wants to do, or when more than one person wants to do the same thing. COMPROMISE when you have a serious conflict. DO YOUR PART the very best that you possibly can. This will inspire others to do the same. SHOW APPRECIATION to people for what they contribute. ENCOURAGE PEOPLE to do their best. MAKE PEOPLE FEEL NEEDED. Working together is a lot more fun that way. DON'T ISOLATE OR EXCLUDE ANYONE. Everybody has something valuable to offer, and nobody likes being left out.