Leadership Presentation By Asim Lodhi Hi! My name is Asim Lodhi and I am a English 12 student at Fraser High School. I am a Senior and will be attending Wayne State University this fall, and throughout my years in high school I have gained a lot of information. There are many things that have prepared me for leadership in the real world and many of those values and attributes have made me into the person I am today.
Who has prepared you for leadership? Many people in my life have changed me as a person: my parents, famous athletes, and motivational speakers are just a few. Leadership is not a value that I used to have and to obtain this skill I had to change who I was. One person who has helped me gain leadership was my dad. He told me that if you want to be anything in life, you have to be mentally strong. There are many people out there who will not agree with your values, and you have to shut those people out of your life.
What has prepared you for leadership? One thing that has prepared me for leadership is high school athletics. Sports has taught me the value of teamwork which is a necessary quality of a leader. Leaders need to be able to work with others and have the ability to cooperate with others.
My Leadership Position I can see my self as a leader to young kids as well as underclassmen. Young children look to their elders for leadership and many of them start acting like you. Once you inspire them they look to you for leadership, and I believe that any older person can have an impact on a young child’s life.
Preparation for Leadership In order to prepare for leadership one must be able to listen. People are not born to lead, many leaders have looked to others for inspiration. In my case I have looked to Arnold Schwarzenegger for leadership. He has inspired to me never give up on my dreams and to continue to work hard or what I want.
Preparation for Leadership continued… Another thing I have done to prepare for leadership is sharing my thoughts. Barack Obama has inspired others just by his wise words. A great leader is able to guide others towards success. Being able to share your input can be meaningless to you, but it might be able to inspire others to do great things.
Preparation for Leadership… final thoughts The last thing that has prepared me for leadership is leading by example. There are many famous people out there who try to be a leader, but can not due to there bad choices. A good leader is able to inspire others by not only there words, but by his or her actions as well. Many people can motivate others, but there actions are what truly make them a leader.
My First Strength The first strength is that I am a mentally strong person. There are not many things that get to me and I can be a very patient person. When the going gets tough I tend to get tougher. It is just the way I was raised and I pride my self with the way I challenge tasks. This value can be very useful as a leader, because sometimes as a leader things do not always go as planned. It shows the true character of a person of how they approach things when it gets too hard.
My Second Strength My second strength that separates me from others is that I tend to get my work done on time. I take pride in the work I put into things and I make sure that I will get a task done no matter what the consequences are. Leaders can use this value because all leaders need to have a sense of urgency when it comes to completing tasks.
My Third Strength My final strength is that I am able to work with others. Athletics have given me the ability to bring teamwork into the work field. Teamwork is a necessity for all leaders, otherwise you might as well call it a dictatorship. Leaders do not need to look at themselves as higher supremacy, but equal to everyone else.
My First Weakness With strengths come some weaknesses and my first weakness is that don’t failure very well. It makes me upset that after working so hard you still come up on the sort end of the stick. I look at what I could have done differently and it drives me insane that I can not go back to change anything.
My Second Weakness My second weakness is that I don’t take criticism very well. If I mess up I tend to not take it very well; it makes me feel like I should just quit. It makes me upset that people would actually judge or annoy somebody if they do something wrong.
My Third Weakness My final weakness is that sometimes I tend to not share my input enough. I feel that sharing my thoughts might sometimes conflict the situation and make it worse than it needs to be. My input could be very important for the group, but it might not mold with the groups decision.
How to overcome these Weaknesses The first thing I can do to overcome my first weakness is to accept failure and use that as motivation for next time. I need to learn from my mistakes and be not make the same mistake next time. Next I need to be able to take others criticism to thought. Maybe they are right and I need to change myself before challenging others. My final weakness is that I don’t share my input, fearing that it might conflict with others. I need to learn that anybody's thoughts can be useful to others. It does not hurt to talk.
Lasting impression Throughout my 13 years in high school I have learned some valuable lessons. Every single year of school I have been taught something new that I will cherish forever. Leadership is one trait that will stick with me for the rest of my life. Without leadership we are all the same people hoping that someone will come up and help us.