Feature Writing Friday, January 10 th
Feature Writing Tells the reader a story. It has a beginning (lead), middle and end. It uses quotes liberally and allows the reader to see the story through detailed description and vivid writing.
Leads For Feature Stories The opening sentence must grab and hold the reader’s attention by using specific, interest-arousing words. Should NOT be a summary lead. The lead must catch the spirit of the story and create the proper tone; serious, sarcastic, ironic,etc.
Leads For Feature Stories Can be and often are longer than one sentence. Should be specific to your story. NO general leads. Should NOT be filled with cliches. Should be in third person Must fit the mood or tone of the story.
A Few Types of Leads for Feature Stories Narrative – tells a story Descriptive – describes a scene, person or subject Direct Quote – use sparingly. Must be a very powerful quote. Startling statement Contrast and compare (then and now) Twist
Narrative Lead She thought he was going to kill her. He had been angry before, even punched his hand through a window once, but he had never threatened her, never scared her like this. Now he was out of control. He pushed her into a corner and then shoved her back down when she tried to escape. “All I could think was ‘I have to get out of here.’ I just started crying,’ Julie, a senior, said.
Descriptive Lead On the wall in his office hung one of his most cherished possessions; an autographed poster from The Godfather. It’s his favorite movie, easily. He knows every frame of that movie, every line Marlon Brando utters. And on a good day, Bobby Hawthorne will push out his bottom lip, lower his eyes, slur his words just slightly and do his best impersonation of the Don. “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.”
Descriptive Lead (continued) And nobody does. While he’ll never admit it, “Bobby has become the ‘godfather’ of scholastic journalism in Texas,” Randy Vonderheid, the former ILPC director, said. “Few people make a movie in Texas without asking his opinion or what should be done.
Direct Quote Lead “Don’t be mad. I took some pills,” Karen Keaton cried as she stooped over the toilet. A few hours later, the 14-year old freshman died after a series of coronary arrests. ****use sparingly. Must be a very strong quote.
Startling Statement Lead Melissa hates school. It’s not that she’s dumb. It isn’t that she doesn’t fit in socially. In fact, it isn’t that anything is particularly wrong. It’s more of a matter of nothing being particularly right.
Twist Lead A group of candystripers stand around the nursery, holding incubator babies. It’s “loving time.” Another young girl steps in with her mother and picks up a baby, too. She is not in a uniform, but in a hospital gown, for the baby she holds is her own – and it’s her “loving time.” It’s also time to say good-bye. “I sat in the rocker and held him and rocked him and I cried and cried and cried,” Amber, a senior, said. “I wanted that moment to last forever so I could always hold him and always be there for him.” “But I knew I couldn’t. That’s what hurt.”
Lead Writing Pitfalls Don’t state the obvious No cliches Do not “Imagine this…” No News or Editorial leads Avoid first and second person
Nut graphs After a strong lead you need a strong nut graph A nut graph is basically a summary of what the story is going to be about. It’s the 5 W’s and H that you didn’t answer in the lead It’s the thesis sentence of your story.
Where does the Nut Graph start? He heard the shot and then felt the pain, but only for a moment. Within seconds, junior Jeb Smith blacked out and went into shock. “I don’t remember much of the shooting,” he said. “I remember it felt like someone punched their fist right through my face, but then I went black.” Late summer, Jeb’s 5 year-old brother accidentally shot him in the face with his father’s loaded gun. Jeb lost his right eye and part of his right ear in the accident, but suffered no permanent brain damage. “I was extremely lucky,” Jeb said. “The doctor said the bullet missed my brain by an inch. I still have a long way to go with my reconstructive surgery, but I’m just glad I am alive.”
Next? After a strong lead and an informative nut graph… Begin using the transition/quote formula.
Ending a Feature Story End your story with: –A powerful quote OR –Tie the ending back to the lead
Daily Grade Take a magazine or newspaper and find 3 feature stories. After reading each one, evaluate the author’s purpose in writing it. Who was the intended audience? In what specific ways did the writer try to reach the audience? (tone? Emotion? Etc.) How might the article have been improved? What type of lead was used? How can it be improved?
Feature Story Format Lead - (narrative, descriptive, twist, startling stmt, etc) Nut Graph – 5 w’s Additional Information – Important information not found in the lead. (sometimes not needed) Direct Quote – Connects to the additional information or lead. Use more than one sentence. Transition – next important fact or opinion for the story. Use transition words to help the story flow Direct Quote – Connects to the first transition. Use more than one sentence. Do not repeat the transition in the quote. Transition – Next important fact or opinion for the story. Direct Quote – Connects to the 2 nd transition. (follow quote/transition formula until you have included all relevant information) Conclusion – end with a strong quote or tie back to your lead.