A Century of Crisis The Empire Declines Pax Romana ends in 180 AD with death of emperor Marcus Aurelius Subsequent emperors unable to govern giant empire
What were the causes for the Fall of Rome?
Economic Reasons 1. Disruption of trade Raids from hostile tribes and by pirates on the Mediterranean 2. Gold and silver drain Fewer lands to conquer and resources to gain Money leaving empire (trade with China) 3. Inflation To pay off debts, government raised taxes and coined more money with less silver, which led to inflation Drop in value of money and rise in prices Weakens trade
Military Factors Decline of loyalty and discipline in military Recruitment of foreign mercenaries Paid foreign soldiers Fighting among military commanders for the throne By third century AD Roman military in turmoil Soldiers loyal to commanders, not Rome
How might soldiers with limited loyalty behave in a military crisis? They might desert or even switch sides.
Which is likely to be more important in the decline of the Roman Empire, the economy or the military?
Social Conditions Citizen indifference and loss of patriotism Decline in population because of disease Contrast b/n rich and poor
Agricultural Problems Food shortages Overworked soil War-torn farmland leads to food shortages Disease spreads
Emperors Attempt Reform Diocletian Constantine
Diocletian Doubles size of Roman armies Fixes prices to control inflation Claims descent from Roman gods Divides empire into eastern and western parts Two emperors in Greek-speaking East, Latin- speaking West In 305 AD Diocletian retires, rivals compete for power
Constantine Becomes emperor of Western Empire in 312 AD Extends reforms of Diocletian Seizes Eastern Empire in 324 AD Moves Roman capital to Byzantium Renamed to Constantinople after Constantine Today named Istanbul On Bosporous Strait, crossroads b/n East and West Issues Edict of Milan-Legalizes Christianity
How does control of Byzantium offer trade and defensive advantage to cultures on the Black Sea?
Baptism of Constantine
Divided Empire
The Western Empire Crumbles The Decline of Rome took place over many years Germanic Invasions Nomads from Asia, the Huns, invade northern borders of empire Causes Germanic tribes (Franks, Saxons, Goths, Visigoths, Vandals) fleeing the Huns, to enter Roman lands Sack Rome in 410 AD Plunder Rome for 3 days
Germanic Invasions
Why do you think the Western Empire was unable to field an army to stop the Germans from invading?
The Huns Nomadic group from the steppes of Central Asia Renowned for skill on horseback Devised the stirrup that allowed them to stand on horseback and attack
Attila the Hun Unites the Huns in 444 AD Conquered lands from France to Balkans, into central Asia Set up headquarters in modern-day Hungary Plunders 70 cities in East Attacks Rome in 452 but famine and disease prevents victory Attila dies in 453, but Germanic invasions continue
The Last Emperor of Rome Romulus Augustulus Last Roman emperor Falls to Germans in 476 End of Western Empire East thrives for another thousand years Byzantine Empire falls to the Ottoman Turks 1453 AD
Multiple Causes of Fall of Western Roman Empire 1. Political (Civil wars, unrest, division of empire) 2. Social (Low confidence in empire, disloyalty, lack of patriotism, corruption, contrast between rich and poor) 3. Economic (Disruption of trade, inflation, crushing tax burden, poor harvests) 4. Military ( Low funds for defense, invaders, problems recruiting)
Immediate Cause of Fall Invasion by Germanic tribes and by Huns