Budget Context Senate April
University Budget Development Process Faculties and Divisions submitted budget requests in January Several consultations undertaken in January, February and March (townhalls, meetings with various groups) Budget goes to Board of Governors’ for discussion and decisions later in April 2
Ryerson Budget: Principles and Considerations Budget will promote the 4 Academic Plan priorities approved by Senate: 1.Enable greater student engagement and success through exceptional experiences 2.Increase SRC excellence, intensity and impact 3.Foster an innovation ecosystem 4.Expand community engagement and city building Principles guiding budget development: 1.Fairness and transparency 2.Priority on students 3.Forward looking 4.Flexibility to respond to changing fiscal circumstances Balanced operating budget 3
4 Operating Revenues and Expenditures Grants + Fees = 97% RevenuesExpenditures Salaries + Benefits = 80% Over 95% of Operating Revenue is based on enrolment
Enrolment Strategy for Undergraduate Maintain overall intake levels Launch 1 new program Graduate Aim to be at or slightly above the MTCU funding ceiling Manage enrolment with introduction of 4 new master’s programs and 2 doctoral programs 5
Changing Gears Drivers in future years Access Provincial Demographics Funding constraint Policy areas under review Funding formula Tuition fee policy Strategic Mandate Agreement negotiation 6
OSAP Transformation in Operating Budget Context Ontario Student Grant (OSG) Single upfront grant – replaces Ontario Tuition Grant, Ontario Student Opportunity Grant, Ontario Access Grant. Eliminate tuition and education tax credit. Net billing – Students billed net tuition after taking into account student assistance ( ). Raise Ontario weekly assistance levels – maximum for individuals (from $155 to $180); married and sole-support parents (from $355 to $450). OTG-equivalent element of OSG – no longer tied to years out of high school. Source: 2016 Ontario Budget: Budget Papers.
Projected Demographic Growth: Population Index, 2014 = 100 Source: Ontario Ministry of Finance,
Funding Formula Review: Potential Implications beyond next year Cap on growth funding? What are the implications for enrolment planning? What are the implications for new programs? Alternative measures to replace enrolment? Performance funding and performance measurement Student experience and “outcomes lens” 9
Other Provincial Policies Under Review Tuition fee policy New policy required by Issues of affordability, student assistance, net fees Strategic Mandate Agreement negotiation New SMA required for Issues: funding formula, differentiation, financial sustainability, performance measurement 10