LESSON PREPARATION First Baptist Church Woodstock Allan Taylor Minister of Education
LESSON PREPARATION Truth: The key to great teaching is great preparation! Myth: The key to great teaching is great ability.
LESSON PREPARATION P repare! P repare!! P repare!!!
LESSON PREPARATION The left side gives substance and content to the lesson. The right side gives excitement and energy to the lesson.
The Make-Up of a Teacher 1. Most teachers use only the left-side of their brain in preparing and presenting lessons. 2. Most teachers give most of their attention to the content of the lesson, and little thought to the style of the lesson.
The Make-Up of a Teacher 3. Teachers usually teach the way they learn. 4. Teachers fall into the trap of using the same teaching method over-and-over.
The Make-Up of a Learner 1. Three keys for effective learning are… A) Repetition B) Object Lessons C) Variety
The Make-Up of a Learner 2. The more variety used by the teacher the more learning takes place. Variety adds… A) ConnecB) Anticipation C) Involvement D) Excitement tion
Dare to be Creative Failure is an event, not a person.
Attitudes Needed in Preparation 1. You must believe that what you are preparing to teach… A) Has the power to change lives. B) Is the eternal truth of God.
Attitudes Needed in Preparation 1. You must believe that what you are preparing to teach… C) Has the ability to keep people from sin. D) Gives hope for every day living.
Attitudes Needed in Preparation 2. You must ask yourself two important questions: A) Does the class exist for me? Attitude exposed: It’s my place to perform for Christ.
Attitudes Needed in Preparation B) Do I exist for the class? Attitude exposed: It’s their place to conform to Christ.
Preparation is a Discipline Preparation is grind time. Teaching what you have prepared is prime time.
Preparation is a Discipline 1. Study Time2. Prayer 3. Meditation 4. Quality 5. Longevity
3 Parts to a Lesson 1. Motivation2. Examination 3. Application
Teaching Methods 1. C - Lecture 2. E – Group Discussion 3. M – Panel Discussion 4. K – Panel Forum 5. N – Buzz Groups
Teaching Methods 6. H – Role Playing 7. J – Case Study 8. A - Brainstorming 9. F – Listening Teams 10. D - Debate
Teaching Methods 11. I – Formal Discussion 12. L - Symposium 13. G – Symposium-Forum 14. B – Study Guides