UPDATES FROM THE STATE IMPACT OF GOVERNOR’S PROPOSED BUDGET Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) – Jennifer Kuhn & Virginia Early Recommendations from LAO – The Budget: Analysis of Child Care and Preschool Proposals (February 2016) Consolidate early childhood funding streams. Update income and eligibility criteria. Yearly eligibility verification. Require all state funded programs to include developmentally appropriate programming. Full day child care.
Talking Points Regarding the Governor’s Budget 2016 Preserve the California’s 70 year legacy of early childhood education programs under the California Department of Education administration. Continue to utilize the comprehensive Early Learning and Development System developed under the administration California Department of Education that includes Learning and Development Foundations Program Guidelines and Resources Curriculum Frameworks Desired Results Assessment System Professional Development Supports and Competencies. Promote legislative requirements to utilize the Early Learning and Development System Learning and Development Foundations, Curriculum Frameworks and Desired Results Assessment System in Transitional Kindergartens throughout California. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) educational background requirements do not include coursework in early childhood education or child development. Therefore, the personnel administering the funding for these programs may not understand or value the need for these programs or be aware of the aspects that would comprise quality in early childhood education. California’s Early Childhood Education programs are rated 26 th in the nation while California’s Local Education Agency programs are rated 40 th in the nation. Moving the funding stream from the California Department of Education to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) will tear down the California’s early childhood legacy, its established Early Learning and Development System and consistency across the state. Read more on Find the information regarding the Assemblymember and Senator who represent you on
UPDATES FROM THE STATE POLICY & ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT BUREAU CHILD CARE LICENSING PROGRAM SB 792 Mendoza, Day care facilities: adult immunization requirements. September 1, 2016 Came about after passage SB 277 – Immunization of children SB “volunteer” means any nonemployee who provides care and supervision to children and care Currently in Title 22 for volunteers– health statement, TB test, & fingerprints (if over 16 hours part week) Influenza can be refused –required to sign a form Measles = lifetime / Pertussis = every 10 years Many questions remain.
IMPACT OF IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS ON STUDENTS - POSSIBLE QUESTIONS What courses at your campus would this affect at your campus? How do you view observation vs lab/practicum? What is your campus’ plan for ensuring your students meet this new requirement? Some ideas…… Talk with your school health services about support/resources Limitation of enrollment added to courses (COR – similar to a prerequisite)
UPDATES FROM THE STATE Early Education & Support Division Cecelia Fisher-Dahms Resources sent to your college (available to CDE) Preschool Program Guidelines – Includes 2 DVDs Preschool Foundations 9 disks: 1 per domain Family Partnerships & Culture CDTC – Child Development Training Stephanie Aguliar Workforce Registry workshops/support CAP TK Courses – part of a program /24 units / 15 courses (1-3 units courses) Curriculum Institutes in June 2016 watch for s to attend – 3-4 days Online survey for input July2016 on proposed outlines Outlines available September 2016
UPDATES FROM THE STATE Permit revision update - CD Advisory panel held monthly meetings in fall Likely one more panel meeting CTC staff completing recommendations to report in June. *Nothing substantial to share! Three CCCECE Board members continue to serve on the panel
POSSIBLE CONVERSATIONS Counselors What does your department do to support and keep counselors abreast of certificates, degrees, permits, job requirements, etc…? Spring 2017 Professional Development (Saturday / 3 hour format) CCCECE wants to bring back spring professional development workshops for faculty and lab school staff at no cost to attendee. Do you have any topic ideas and possible speakers?
COUNSELORS PLAY A CRITICAL ROLE IN STUDENT SUCCESS Student success requires specialized and expert advising Advising must include plans for all student’s goals and address all program requirements (e.g., AA, transfer, EOPS, CalWorks) From A Discussion with LBCC Counselors Donna Rafanello & Kristin Pierce Child & Adult Development Department Faculty February 25, 2016
HOLDING BEV BOS IN MIND Excerpts from reflections shared by Mary Jane Maguire-Fong at the memorial celebration for Bev Bos, Feb. 14, 2016, Roseville, CA. Bev cared deeply for children, for their parents, and for teachers of young children. And they cared deeply for her. Bev saw children fully, she listened to them intently. She shared their sense of wonder. And she learned from them. And they learned from her. Bev was a pillar in early childhood education, a champion of children’s right to play and a champion of teachers’ right to teach in ways that make sense for children. We might feel, that with her death, this pillar of hope for children, families, and teachers has been knocked from under us. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Nothing. Listen to this quote from Bev, “What we do with children will take them by the hand for the rest of their lives.” With her words, her songs, and her stories, Bev took us by the hand. She handed us a charge – to listen well to children, to care deeply for them and care about them, to learn from them, and to wonder with them. The lovely thing is... when we do this, children will do the same – listen well; care for themselves and others; be willing to learn from each other; and indulge their sense of wonder. What more could we ask? Read more on