How do you make a banana milk shake? Food process Do you like bananas? I ’ d like some noddles. Make other food Make or use other things.


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Presentation transcript:

How do you make a banana milk shake? Food process Do you like bananas? I ’ d like some noddles. Make other food Make or use other things

课堂活动 Make a banana milk shake Make fruit salad Make popcorn Make different kinds of sandwiches Eat Beijing Duck Recipe game Crazy sandwiches Follow instructions Describe a process orally Write instructions

抽签做厨师(小组活动) 1. 根据班级学生数量分组,每组派组长抽签 决定负责 “ 制作 ” 什么菜 2. 教师将各组的任务书写在黑板上( make a banana milk shake; make fruit salad; make a chicken sandwich; make popcorn … ) 3. 小组讨论制作过程并写在一张大纸上 4. 每组将菜谱贴在黑板上,并由一名 “ 厨师 ” 来说明制作过程 5. 进行小组间的评比

知识点 Ingredients: Countable / uncountable nouns Amount: How much / How many questions Imperatives: turn on, cut up, mix up … Process: first, then, next, finally

Mary and her mother are going to the supermarket. They ’ re writing their shopping list. Can you help them to fill in the list with the words in the box? a)yogurt b)watermelon c)sauce d)butter e)onion f)eelish g)bread h)tomato i) sandwich j)lettuce k) popcorn How muchHow many

开放式阅读:阅读后写出南瓜灯的制作过程 October 1st is Halloween. During this holiday kids knock on people ’ s doors asking for sweets. There are orange and black things in the houses. Jack O ’ Lanterns are one of these things. People carve( 雕刻 ) them out of empty pumpkins( 南瓜 ). I ’ m going to carve a face on a pumpkins. The first thing for me to do is to wash the pumpkins. It has lots of dirt on it. Then I have to cut pen the top and scoop out( 舀出 ) the inside. This is not easy. I takes two hours to empty out the inside with a big knife. I keep the seeds( 籽 ), as they can be eaten. I cut three triangles( 三角形 ) in the side. Two triangles will be the eyes, and the other is a nose. At the bottom I cut out a mouth. I ’ m so glad about my work. I take it out. First, _________the pumpkin. Next, ___________the top and empty the inside. Then, ________ three triangles ____________. Finally, ___________ a mouth ______________.