WHAT IS EndNote ?¿ EndNote is a Bibliographic Management Software for storing and managing bibliographic references (journals, books, reports, dissertations, research papers, etc.) which you can import from databases or type in manually.
It's a database for references: organize and store your citations into databases called libraries. It's a citation formatter: automatically create references, footnotes, & bibliographies in your written documents. WHAT IS EndNote ?¿
Enabling you to: Collect data from various sources Store that data in a uniform manner Manage and edit that data Retrieve the data without returning to its original source Output that data as your paper’s bibliography
EndNote includes more than bibliographic styles such as :- APA Style (American Psychological Association Style) à psychology, education, and other social sciences. MLA Style (Modern Language Association) à literature, arts, and humanities. AMA Style (American Medical Association Manual of Style) à medicine, health, and biological sciences. Harvard Style Chicago/Turabian Style Search bibliographic databases on the Internet Organize references, images and PDFs in a snap Construct your paper with built-in templates Watch your bibliography appears as you write!
EndNote X2
HOW TO GET EndNote ?
Click here
WHERE TO GET EndNote ? EndNote
Locate the EndNote Program icon on your Start menu or desktop. Click on the EndNote Program icon
THE EndNote PROCESS EndNote Library DatabasesManual Input Bibliographies INPUT OUTPUT "Library" is the term used by EndNote to describe a file where you have stored a database of references.
Topics Covered: 1.Add references into EndNote software 2.Producing a Bibliography or Reading List in MS Word
ADD REFERENCES INTO EndNote A few ways to add references to an EndNote Library: 1.Inputting references manually 2.Connect to an online bibliographic database and retrieve the references directly into EndNote 3.Import text files of references that have been downloaded from online bibliographic database (Importing Downloaded References with a Filter)
Inputting references manually ADD REFERENCES INTO EndNote
When you open EndNote the following box appears: You may choose to create a new library or open an existing library
References can be entered into EndNote manually. Simply click on References and select New Reference
Choose the appropriate Reference Type JOURNAL ARTICLE
Note: Use a comma between an author’s last name and first initials for correct alphabetizing.
(2) Connect to an online bibliographic database and retrieve the references directly into EndNote ADD REFERENCES INTO EndNote
Downloading from databases: Direct Export It allows you to select records and import directly to your EndNote library. The database locates your EndNote software and asks you to choose the EndNote library. E.g: 1. JStor 2. ProQuest 3. ScienceDirect 4. ISI Web of Knowledge 5. EbscoHost 6. IEEExplore 7. SpringerLink 8. OVID
Science Direct Keyword: schottky diode
Link from EndNote back to the original resource Attachments
ISI Web of Knowledge
Keyword: mechatronics
Google Scholar Scholar Preferences
Create New Group
NOTE: Only the most recently added references will display in EndNote. To see the complete library, select Show All References in the References menu.
Two files:.enl.data Backup/Copy Paste
(3) Import text files of references that have been downloaded from online bibliographic database (Importing Downloaded References with a Filter) ADD REFERENCES INTO EndNote
Importing Downloaded References with a Filter
Downloading from databases: Importing Downloaded References with a Filter What is a "filter"? A filter is a piece of software that will take a file of references which have been downloaded from a database and convert them into references in your EndNote library. The file of references must be in plain text (*.txt) and must be split up into labelled fields, something like this: AU: Smith, J. TI : New developments in instructional software SO : Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 3 (2001):
Importing Downloaded References with a Filter Emerald
Importing Downloaded References with a Filter
Importing Downloaded References with a Filter
PRODUCING A BIBLIOGRAPHY OR READING LIST IN MS WORD There are two ways that Endnote can help to create bibliographies in MS Word: i. Using the EndNote Copy Formatted option. ii. Using EndNote’s Cite While You Write (CWYW).
Copy Formatted Bibliography in MS Word In an EndNote library, select citations (use the control key to select more than one reference). Go to Edit & select Copy Formatted. The references are now saved to a clipboard and ready to be pasted in a Word document. Copy Formatted
Go to the Word document. At the end of the document, click on Edit and Paste.
What is Cite While You Write (CWYW) ?¿ The Cite While You Write is a feature that works with Microsoft Word. It allows you to cite a reference and automatically generate a bibliography without leaving Word. The Cite While You Write plug-in for Microsoft Word makes it easy to insert citation from your EndNote Library and format them according to a chosen output style.
Writing Work along with your Word software to enable creation of papers “cite as you write”Clever “cite as you write” feature allows author to include citations from the database(s) in the text of his paper Automatically create the bibliography for the paper and the in text citations in the style of all the leading journals
Then, click on the Insert Selected Citation(s) icon. This will open a separate search box. First, place the cursor EXACTLY where the citation should be inserted. View Toolbars EndNote
Citations can selected directly within the EndNote library, then inserted into the Word document using the Insert Selected Citation(s) icon.
MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATES Use Microsoft Word templates to create your manuscript: EndNote includes built-in Word templates to guide you through the exacting manuscript requirements of publishers.
EndNote includes built-in Word templates: Manuscript templates are supplied with EndNote to ease electronic submissions to publishers. To publish in a journal authors need to conform to the style defined by the editorial board or publisher of the journal. Publishers usually provide "instructions to authors" on their websites for example from the home page of the journal, and/or within the print copy of each issue. When one of the templates are used to start a paper, many formatting issues are already set up such as proper margins, headings, pagination, line spacing, title page, abstract page, graphics placement, and font type and size. Manuscript templates with EndNote
Tools ↓ Manuscript Templates
APA 5 th (Theses)
Information Literacy Skills Workshop on EndNote (timetable is available in the website) Reference Counter, 2nd Floor Perpustakaan Kejuruteraan : Tel: ext: 5105 HUH + NS Jan 2010