Demonstrating Transformation IQ:RS Appendix B3 A illustrative guide to the standards and their use in college development planning
Demonstrating Transformation An ‘e-Learning Strategy for Northern Ireland’ Objective: ….that each college should reach the ‘embedded’ stage of Appendix B3 of the IQ:RS framework …. by the end of the 2010 year “How will we know when we have got to ‘embedded’?” – college senior manager in an ILT Healthcheck interview. 6/25/20162Mike Moran
Demonstrating Transformation RSCni’s answer: IQ:RS – Appendix B3: ‘Demonstrating Transformation’ Framework Illustrations of the Stages of Transformation An interactive guide to judging developments in getting to embedded 6/25/20163Mike Moran
Demonstrating Transformation The genesis of the guide: 6/25/20164Mike Moran Reflection on the meaning of the framework descriptors by RSCni Team in the course of 2 years’ ILT Health Check activities Generation of descriptors for each element of the framework and internal review by the RSCni Team (and staff from other RSCs) Process of internal review of draft descriptors by RSCni Team Review of draft descriptors by a group of ETI inspectors to ensure alignment with inspection processes Final drafting of descriptors and creation of interactive aspects of the guidance tool
Demonstrating Transformation Features of the Guide Comprehensive coverage of the whole framework Illustrations of the meaning of each of the 56 descriptors up to ‘Embedded’ Illustrations are indicative and not prescriptive ‘Innovative’ stage is not described – reflects the unconstrained nature of this stage Descriptors of each cell of the framework are intended to be holistic in respect of that stage and dimension Easy to navigate backwards and forwards through the guide – and possible to jump straight a given element MS Word or PDF versions – so no special software needed 6/25/20165Mike Moran
Demonstrating Transformation Potential Uses of the Guide Gives all staff – course teams; network staff; LR staff; admin staff; and senior managers – a common reference framework for development of e-learning Can be connected to normal review processes of the college Elements/dimensions can be delegated to specific staff groups for action Can give confidence to teaching staff in knowing broadly what will be looked for in inspections Can be used as a template for the planning of staff development activities Allows colleges to assess progress against ILT Action Plans 6/25/20166Mike Moran
Demonstrating Transformation The Guide in Action 6/25/20167Mike Moran
Demonstrating Transformation Next steps? Circulation to colleges and key staff Circulation to ETI for internal dissemination College-based workshops offered by RSCni Team Annual review of illustrations to ensure the currency of the descriptors 6/25/20168Mike Moran
Demonstrating Transformation Any questions or comments? 6/25/2016Mike Moran9
Demonstrating Transformation Thank you for your participation 6/25/201610Mike Moran
Demonstrating Transformation Our Contact Details: Martin Peoples – Manager Mike Moran – eLearning Adviser Kate Guy – eLearning Adviser Catherine Gormley – eLearning Adviser Noel McDaid – Technical Adviser Barbara Stewart – Administrator Thank you 6/25/2016Mike Moran11