Panels 3 Deborah Fuzetto
Panels Allows you to create customized layouts Drag & Drop content into Panes
Chaos Tools suite is primarily a set of APIs and tools Require by Panels Page Manger
Page Manager
Panels Sub-modules Panel pages use this for creating single full page layouts Panel nodes control the layout of a single node at a time Mini panels panel inside of a panel with various pieces of content and then put it inside of a panels-page or panels-node. Views panes expose views so they may be added to panels
Panel Page
Panel Node
Mini Panels
Views Pane Create a view with content pane as a display Set up argument Pane Settings
Views Pane (cont.) Add View Pane to Panel files – tell your theme hook_panels_layouts – defines layout Template and CSS files
Styles hook_ctools_plugin_directory – where to find plugins hook_panels_style_info – tell Panels about yout style style_settings_form (Drupal API) style_render_pane (Panels API) Template *.tpl.php
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