2 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Overview Describe and illustrate the proper steps used to create Multiple Delivery instances of a line item in PD 2
3 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Overview In Contracts, Purchase Orders, and Delivery Orders, the delivery of the items are controlled at the line item level. Each line item with a quantity of more than (1) may have multiple deliveries assigned to it. As single deliveries are assigned to each individual line item, multiple deliveries of individual line items must be created individually for each line item if desired.
4 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Overview Whether the delivery schedule is created in the Purchase Request, the Solicitation, or the Award, the steps are still the same. In our example, we will create multiple deliveries from a line item in a Solicitation.
5 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules From within your Solicitation, double-click the line item that will have the multiple delivery schedules.
6 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The “Line Item Detail” window displays. Notice that our Quantity is Now click the [Delivery] button.
7 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The “Delivery Schedule” window displays. This is where the deliveries will be assigned. Click the [Delivery] button under “Add”.
8 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The “Delivery” window displays. Notice that there are two methods of entering a delivery schedule. Next to “Delivery Date” there is a space for the “exact” delivery date, and there are spaces for a “floating” delivery date.
9 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The exact delivery date space allows specific dates such as [29-Aug-2016].
10 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The floating delivery spaces allows for non specific delivery dates such as [30-days-ADC or after the date of the contract].
11 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules We will use both delivery items for this line item. First, highlight the Quantity and change it to the desired number for the first delivery.
12 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules Enter the appropriate Delivery Date. In our example, the Address for shipment was pre-filled based on our preset preferences. If this is not the correct address, click the [Delete] button.
13 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules Now click the [Add] button to add the correct address.
14 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules Once the address has been added, click the [OK] button.
15 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The first delivery instance has been created. Notice that the [Delivery] button is NOT greyed out. This means that there are still quantities available for selection for delivery. Click the [Delivery] button.
16 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The “Delivery” window displays again. Notice that the Quantity has decreased to the remaining balance. Change the quantity to the amount for the next delivery instance.
17 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules Add the delivery address as outlined before. Enter the Delivery Date for this quantity. Click the [OK] button.
18 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The second delivery instance has been created. There are still additional quantities left, so click the [Delivery] button to use them.
19 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules We will use the full amount of the remaining quantity for the final delivery instance. Add a delivery address as before.
20 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules In this instance, we will use the floating type of Delivery Date. Enter the number of days (weeks, months etc. per the drop-down) and select either “ADC” (After Date of Contract) or “AFATA” (After First Article Test Acceptance) per the second drop-down. Now click the [OK] button.
21 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules Now all three delivery instances have been created. Notice that the “Delivery” button is now greyed out, showing that there is no more quantity available. Click the [OK] button.
22 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules The “Line Item Detail” window returns. Click the [OK] button here.
23 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules Save, close, and Generate the Solicitation. Then go to print preview for the Solicitation.
24 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Multiple Delivery Schedules When print preview is opened, the three delivery instances will be displayed in the section for Delivery in the Solicitation.
25 | CACI Information Solutions and Services | July 2015 | CACI Proprietary Information Visit the page of the SPS website to access other available self-paced customer outreach material on additional topics To register for an upcoming SPS Spotlight Series webinar session, visit the page and login to register Additional Information