Word Association Activity: Middle East Middle East Oil Oil Terrorism Terrorism
United States and the Middle East Maintaining a Balance of Power and Protecting our Interest.
The CIA at Work Covert Operation become a Secret arm of U.S. Foreign policy. Covert Operation become a Secret arm of U.S. Foreign policy. Out with Mohammed Mossadegh and in with the Shah. Out with Mohammed Mossadegh and in with the Shah. U.S. gets 40% of Iranian oil production. U.S. gets 40% of Iranian oil production.
A Void to Fill 1969 the British announce military withdrawal from the Middle East the British announce military withdrawal from the Middle East. Problems in Vietnam. Problems in Vietnam. Make it hard to gain U.S. support to enter region. Make it hard to gain U.S. support to enter region. Military Aid. Military Aid. U.S. sold tens of billions of dollars of arms to the Shah. U.S. sold tens of billions of dollars of arms to the Shah.
Dependence on Cheap Oil October 17 th 1973 OPEC no longer ships oil to countries supporting Israel and uses leverage over world market to quadruple prices. Impacts western consumerism.
Islamic Revolution in Iran Hostage Crises. Hostage Crises. Shows impotence of U.S. and its inability to protect it citizens from terrorism. Shows impotence of U.S. and its inability to protect it citizens from terrorism. U.S. Government refuses to negotiate with terrorist. U.S. Government refuses to negotiate with terrorist. Iran released hostages 444 days after capture. Iran released hostages 444 days after capture.
Iraqi-Iranian War By 1987 started to spill into Persian Gulf threatening oil shipments. By 1987 started to spill into Persian Gulf threatening oil shipments. Reagan provides oil escorts. Reagan provides oil escorts. Aiding the Underdog. Aiding the Underdog. Fear of political instability. Fear of political instability. Pre 1986 help Iran, post 1986 aid Saddam Hussein. Pre 1986 help Iran, post 1986 aid Saddam Hussein. Mutual exhaustion brought end to war. Mutual exhaustion brought end to war.
Iran-Contra Scandal Origins: American supported Somoza had ruled Nicaragua for 40 years. Origins: American supported Somoza had ruled Nicaragua for 40 years. Sandinistas: Revolutionary group who overthrew him, recognized and given aid by Carter. Sandinistas: Revolutionary group who overthrew him, recognized and given aid by Carter. Under Reagan however, charged with being a Soviet Outpost of Communism. Under Reagan however, charged with being a Soviet Outpost of Communism. Selling arms for hostages in Lebanon. Selling arms for hostages in Lebanon. Terrorist group loyal to Iran takes Americans hostage. Terrorist group loyal to Iran takes Americans hostage. Sold Arms to Iran for hostages. (secretly by Reagan) Sold Arms to Iran for hostages. (secretly by Reagan) Profits from sells diverted to the Contras (guerilla group to fight Sandinistas) Profits from sells diverted to the Contras (guerilla group to fight Sandinistas) United State now directly supporting terrorism. United State now directly supporting terrorism.
Results of the Scandal U.S. policy exposed as hypocritical. Saying terrorism is bad in one part of the world and funding it in another. U.S. policy exposed as hypocritical. Saying terrorism is bad in one part of the world and funding it in another. Raised questions about the integrity of high government officials. Raised questions about the integrity of high government officials. Placing Blame. Placing Blame.
War in the Persian Gulf Partially Derived from past policies. Partially Derived from past policies. Aid during Iraqi-Iranian war Aid during Iraqi-Iranian war Kuwait increases oil production. Kuwait increases oil production. Refuse to forgive Iraqi indebtedness Refuse to forgive Iraqi indebtedness Saddam asserts claims to pre 1919 territory. Saddam asserts claims to pre 1919 territory. U.S. military leaders didn’t anticipate military action U.S. military leaders didn’t anticipate military action Preoccupied with sudden end of the Soviet Union. Preoccupied with sudden end of the Soviet Union.
Operation Desert Storm Aug, 1990 Iraq takes action. Aug, 1990 Iraq takes action. Operation Desert Shield Operation Desert Shield Jan, 1991 “Desert Storm” Jan, 1991 “Desert Storm” 44 days of air raid 44 days of air raid 100,000 Iraqi soldiers and civilians died only 184 Americans. 100,000 Iraqi soldiers and civilians died only 184 Americans. Successful at driving Iraqi’s out of Kuwait, but failed to bring down Saddam Hussein. Successful at driving Iraqi’s out of Kuwait, but failed to bring down Saddam Hussein.
Clinton Negotiating Peace Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, U.S. president Bill Clinton, and Palestine chairman Yasser Arafat Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, U.S. president Bill Clinton, and Palestine chairman Yasser Arafat
Bill Clinton in the Middle East Failure to Contain Suddam Hussein Failure to Contain Suddam Hussein Loose leash Loose leash Constantly evades weapons inspections. Constantly evades weapons inspections. Palestinian Problem: To much faith in Palestine's leadership to hold true to their promises to Israel. Didn’t denounce Palestinian violence in the area that conflicted with the his Oslo Peace Accords. Growing hatred towards Americans.
A Slippery Terrorist…. Clinton and Bush Sr. Continually allowed Osama Bin Laden to escape American Forces. Clinton and Bush Sr. Continually allowed Osama Bin Laden to escape American Forces. Radical Islamic law (Sharia) Calls for Jihad. Radical Islamic law (Sharia) Calls for Jihad. Bogged down by the Monica Lewinsky affair at the end of his second term. Bogged down by the Monica Lewinsky affair at the end of his second term.
1. List in order the Presidents from 1976 to 1996? 2. Who did the United States put in power in Iran? 3. What was the name of the rebel group the Reagan supported in Nicaragua? 4. Who was president during “Desert Storm”? 5. What name do Muslims use for Muslim occupied regions of Isreal? 6. What is the name of the organization created to protect the rights of oil producing countries? 7. Who is Clinton remembered for negotiating peace between? 8. Which of the following countries is not an oil producing one: Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Omen. 9. How does the 1992 election impact the Persian Gulf War? 10. This country held Americans hostage during the Iran-Contra scandal? 11. Which President lost their reelection because of the Iranian Hostage Crisis?
12. Which President was famous for his war on drugs? 13. What event signified the end of the Cold War? What year did it take place in? 14. What was the original and highly prejudice term used for AIDS? 15. What was Bush Sr. famous campaign slogan?